Numsa National Bargaining Conference Speech by President

450 delegates representing Numsa’s nine regions and all its bargaining sectors are gathered at St George Hotel in Pretoria in the Numsa National Bargaining Conference (NBC).

The purpose of the NBC is to debate and discuss demands received from regions and to agree on the demands that Numsa will put to employers in the bargaining rounds that will start in April/May 2013.

Numsa will be negotiating centrally in 2013 in the motor retail sector, the auto assembly and manufacturing sector and the tyre sector. It will also negotiate at company level at Eskom and other house agreement companies like Arcelor Mittal, Evraz Highveld Steel, Assmang.

If you want to e-mail the NBC, send your e-mail to:  

Download Numsa's National Bargaining Conference Speeches

Day one of Numsa's National Bargaining Conference

1. Numsa's National Bargaining Conference Programme

2. NUMSA President's opening remarks to the Numsa National Bargaining Conference held from 16-19 April 2013 in Irene, Pretoria.

3. Numsa General Secretary keynote input to the NBC

4. Bargaining presentation covering economic overview and Sectoral Trends by Neo Bodibe, Numsa Economic Institute

5. Day one NBC daily bulletin: Download here

6. Presentation by Garth Strachan, DTI on IPAP to the NBC

7. Address by Cosatu General Secretary Comrade Zwelinzima Vavi: Click here to view the speech

