NUMSA Human Rights statement

NUMSA National Statements
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) salutes the generation of the working class, who on this day, 21 March 1960 bravely stood up to the brutal Apartheid system.  On this day, thousands of people marched against the Dompas system in Sharpeville, in a protest which was organized…

NUMSA to hold the National Bargaining Conference

NUMSA National Statements
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) is inviting the media to attend its National Bargaining Conference where the union will be debating and discussing the demands which are to be submitted in the sectors where it will be negotiating this year. NUMSA will be negotiating in the…

The NUMSA scope is not limited only to the metal industry and any attempt to deny NUMSA and its members organisational rights is malicious and legally unsustainable

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has taken note of the decision of the Constitutional Court in AFGRI Animal Feeds (A Division of PhilAfrica Foods (Pty) Limited) v National Union of Metalworkers South Africa and Others [2024] ZACC 13, in which the Honourable Court interpreted Sections 161…