The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) welcomes the signing of another above inflation increase at Almar Investments in Boshoek, in the North West. (We signed another agreement a couple of days ago with the plant in Wonderkop).
This wage agreement is similar to the Wonderkop one, in that we agreed to an above inflation increase to ensure that workers across these two plants are able to benefit from meaningful increases. This is a three year agreement.
The wage agreement is valid from the 1st of March 2024 and expires on the 28th of Feb 2027.
Workers will receive a 7% increase for the first year, 7,5% increase for the second year and 7% increase for the third year of the agreement.
Workers will receive back pay on the 28th of June and it will be calculated from 13 February to the 12th of June.
The site allowances shall be increased in line with the across the board increases which have been secured for each year of the agreement.
A Task Team comprising of both NUMSA and management will be set up to negotiate Risk Allowances, Housing allowance and Full Time Shop steward Agreement, and that negotiations must be concluded within 6 months, counting from the date of signing the current new wage agreement.
NUMSA continues to be sword and a shield for the working class and if a company is able to make profits, it must share the wealth with workers, because they create wealth and this agreement reflects that.
The union appreciates the hard work of the national and regional officials as well as Shopstewards for the role they play in negotiating on behalf of workers. We also want to thank our members for having faith in the union.
Aluta continua!
Issued by Irvin Jim
NUMSA General Secretary
For more information, please contact:
Phakamile Hlubi-Majola
NUMSA National Spokesperson
NUMSA Head Office number: 0116891700
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NUMSA Twitter account: @Numsa_Media
NUMSA Website:
PDF DOWNLOAD: NUMSA welcomes the signing of another above inflation agreement with Almar investments in Boshoek