SawubonaBesise offisa lakwaNumsa mhlaka 29 March 2008. Basinike iphepha okuthiwa yi Numsa News.Kuningi engikuzuzile kulo okuwusizo kimina njengememba kaNumsa esebenza kwaSerco osePhoenix eThekwini.Nginaso isifiso sokuthunyelelwa iphepha kuleli kheli nakhu okufike kwaba yinkinga kimi.LoR30 angazi ukuthi ngizowuthumela kanjani ukuze ufike endaweni okuziya noma kufanele ngiyowukhokha ema offisa akwaNumsa aku Albert Street noma kufanele ngiyowukhokha eposini.
Ngoba ngiyalidinga leliphepha lizongenza ngazi ngamalungelo ama. Ngiyabonga.Nisalekahle imina ozithobayo uAND Mhlongo.Ningabonga uma ningangiphendula ngingabonga uma lingabhalwa ngesiZulu.
Dear comrade MhlongoSiyabonga ngencwadi yakho.Njengoba ubhale izinto ezinhle kangaka nge Numsa News, sizokuthumelela iNumsa News kanye nencwadi ka Numsa Bulletin mahala kuze kuphele unyaka kanye ne t-shirt (isikipa). Sicela ukuthi nixoxe ngezindaba zabasebenzi ekampanini yakho bese uyasibhalela usitshele ngezindaba zalapho usebenza khona kanye nezalapha uhlala khona.Editor
Dear Numsa News, I am a shop steward at Bell Essex Engineering. If Numsa could sponsor each of its members with one or two t-shirts or if we could buy them, it won't be a problem. If members wear those t-shirts to work and capital can see how strong and united we are, they won't even be trying to exploit our members!Luciun Windwaai
Dear comradeThanks for your idea. Last year because it was Numsa's 20th anniversary, Numsa printed 50 000 t-shirts. This cost the union R1 420 000. Everyone that attended regional 20th anniversary rallies was given a free t-shirt.
T-shirts left over were given to regions to distribute to members that attended meetings. Clearly Numsa cannot print these t-shirts and give them out for free every year! However, if you want to get Numsa t-shirts, or a cap, or other goodies, phone Zabalaza, the company that supplies us. Their number is 082 844 0524. Speak to Zenzo.Editor
Dear NumsaKindly receive the list of Numsa members at this workplace who would like to receive their membership cards.We were advised by our local shop stewards council that we will get our membership cards direct from Head Office.Thabo Gravis Xaba, Thomas Tyre Centre, Standerton
Dear comrade XabaWe have passed your list of members on to Numsa's membership department. However they are having problems with the membership system.
Every time they try and print membership cards it gives out the same membership number as those that received cards in 2007. They say they will only be able to print your membership cards once this problem is sorted out. At the moment they do not know how long it is going to take to solve. Watch Numsa News for progress.
Dear Numsa NewsA strong culture of reading can again be created at our workplace by having big posters with headlines at the entrances to attract workers and make Numsa News more attractive to all workers.Since working people constitute the majority in our society, it is essential that workers' crises take priority.
The media has a key role to play in the revival of a culture of reading as the labour movement has made considerable headway on that field in the past decade. What still remains to be accomplished is the extension of facilities to workers in rural areas.
One other important objective of having the big poster with headlines next to the main gate is to attract workers and make sure that when Numsa News arrives, our audience rushes to get and read the burning issues.
I fully understand this cannot be achieved in a short period of time but everything should be done to expedite the process. Headlines on the poster give an indication of the article appearing in the newspaper and serve to attract potential workers attention. Vuyisile ka Fundakubi
Dear comrade VuyisileThanks for the good idea. We are trying out your idea of posters in this Numsa News – make sure you put them up at your entrance gate and let us know whether they have helped encourage people to read Numsa News. Editor
Numsa News