New motor ratesOn September 1 all motor workers whose employers belong to employers' organisation RMI should have received the increases given below.
If your employer does not belong to RMI, you will only get the increase once the government has gazetted the new agreement.
If you are a petrol attendant and you have not received the increase, go straight to your nearest Numsa office (or phone them – see page 20 for phone numbers).
The agreement says that employers must pay the new increase for petrol attendants from September 5. Some petrol attendants are telling us that since September 5 the employer has reduced their hours of work.
Remember the agreement says that you must be paid at least R509 per week. If they are paying you less phone your Numsa office.
If you are already earning above the minimum rates, then look on page ? for details of the increases on your actual wage rates.
Once again car dealers have refused to grant increases on your actual rates of pay.
But ask yourself – how many of you went on strike for these demands? Just look at the wage increase for workers at components manufacturers – workers struck in numbers and were rewarded with a 9% increase on their actual rates of pay.
Amazinga amasha ezimotoNgomhla ka-1 Septhemba bonke abasebenzi basezimotweni abaqashi babo abangaphansi kwenhlangano yabaqashi i-RMI kufanele ukuba sebekutholile ukukhushulelwa okunikezwe ngezansi.
Uma ngabe umqashi wakho engekho ngaphansi kwe-RMI, uyokhushulelwa kuphela uma uhulumeni esekhiphe kugazethi izivumelwano ezintsha.
Uma ngabe usebenza egaraji uthela uphethiloli kodwa ungakakhushulelwa iholo, qonda ngqo ehhovisi le-Numsa eliseduze nawe (noma ubashayele ucingo – bheka izinamba zocingo ekhasini 20).
Isivumelwano sithi abaqashi kufanele bakhuphulele abasebenzi abathela uphethiloli amaholo kusukela ngomhla ka-5 Septhemba.
Abanye abasebenzi abathela uphethiloli basitshele ukuthi abanye abaqashi kusukela ngomhla ka-5 Septhemba banciphise amahora abo okusebenza. Khumbula ukuthi isivumelwano sithi kufanele ukhokhelwe u-R509 okungenani ngesonto.
Uma bekukhokhela engaphansi shayela ucingo ehhovisi le-Numsa.Uma ngabe usuvele uhola ngaphezulu kwemali ephansi, bheka imininingwane yokukhushulwa kweholo lemali yeholo lakho langempela ekhasini ?
Abathengisi bezimopto balile futhi ukunikhuphulela amaholo emalini eniyiholayo ngempela. Kodwa zibuzeni nina uqobo- bangaki kini abaye esitelekeni ngenxa yalezi zimfuno?
Bhekani nje ukukhushulwa kwamaholo kubakhi abasezingxenyeni ezihlangene – bateleka bebaningi base bethola umvuzo wokukhushulelwa ngama-9% eholweni labo langempela!
Nuwe lone in die motorbedryfOp 1 September moes alle werkers in die motorbedryf wie se werkgewers aan die werkgewersorganisasie RMI behoort, die verhogings soos hieronder aangedui, ontvang het.
As jou werkgewer nie aan RMI behoort nie, sal jy slegs die verhoging kry wanneer die regering die nuwe ooreenkoms in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer het. As jy ‘n petroljoggie is en jy het nog nie die vehoging ontvang nie, moet jy reguit na jou naaste Numsa-kantoor toe gaan, of hulle bel – kyk op bladsy 20 vir telefoonnommers).
Die ooreenkoms sê dat werkgewers vanaf 5 September die nuwe verhoging vir petroljoggies moet betaal. Sommige petroljoggies vertel ons dat dat die werkgewer hulle werksure verminder het. Onthou: die ooreenkoms sê dat jy ten minste R590 per maand betaal moet word.
Bel jou Numsa-kantoor as hulle jou minder as dit betaal. As jy reeds meer as die minimumloon verdien, moet jy op p. ? kyk vir detail omtrent die verhogings op jou eintlike loonvlakke. Motorhandelaars het weer eens geweier om verhogings op julle eintlike loonvlakke toe te staan. Maar vra jouself: hoeveel van julle het oor hierdie eis gestaak? Kyk net na die loonverhoging vir werkers by vervaardigers van onderdele – werkers het in groot getalle gestaak, en is met ‘n verhoging van 9% op hulle werklike loonvlakke beloon!
Direiti tse ntjha tsa makoloingKa la 1 Loetse basebetsi bohle ba makoloing bao boramesebetsi ba bona ba leng ditho tsa mokgatlo wa boramesebetsi wa RMI ba tshwanetse hore be ba fumane nyollo tseo ho fanweng ka tsona mona ka tlase.
Haebe ramosebetsi wa hao ha se setho sa RMI, o tla fumana nyollo feela hang ka mora ho ba mmuso o tsebise ka qeto ya tumellano eo koranteng ya mmuso.
Ha o le petrol attendant mme o eso fumane nyollo, e ya ka ho toba ofising ya lona ya Numsa e haufi le wena (kapa o ba letsetse – sheba leqepheng la 20 dinomoro tsa mohala).
Tumellano e re boramesebetsi ba lokela ho lefa nyollo e ntjha bakeng sa di-petrol attendant ho tloha ka la 5 Loetse.
Ba bang ba di-petrol attendant ba re bolella hore haesale ho tloha ka la 5 Loetse ramosebetsi o fokoditse dihora tsa bona tsa mosebetsi.
Hopolang hore tumellano e re o lokela ho leshwa bonyane R509 ka beke.
Ha ba o lefa ka tlase ho moo letsetsa ba ofisi ya Numsa. Haebe o se o ntse o fumana moputso o ka hodimo ho bonyane ba direiti, moo o ka sheba leqepheng la ? bakeng sa dintlha tsa dinyollo tsa direiti tsa sebele tsa lona tsa meputso.
Bahwebi ba makoloi ba sa boetse hape ba hana ho fana ka dinyollo tsa direiti tsa lona tsa sebele tsa meputso.
Empa he ipotseng – ke ba bakae ba lona ba ileng ba kena seteraekeng bakeng sa ditseko tsena? Ha re shebeng feela nyollo ya meputso bakeng sa basebetsi ba ditlhahisong tsa dikarolo tsa makoloi – basebetsi ba ile ba seteraeke ka bongata mme qetellong ba fumana nyollo ya 9% direiting tsa bona tsa sebele tsa meputso!
Minimum wages
Sector 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7 Sector 6 Class of employees Area A Other Areas Area A Other Areas Per week Per month Per week Per month Per week Per month Per week Per month (a) Office, stores, sales and R R R R R R R R clerical employee – during first year of experience 551,85 2 391,37 513,21 2 223,90 563,22 2 440,64 515,44 2 233,56 during second year of experience 629,67 2 728,58 583,26 2 527,47 641,64 2 780,44 585,47 2 537,02 during third year of experience 725,19 3 142,49 672,83 2 915,61 739,52 3 204,60 675,61 2 927,65 thereafter 841,93 3 648,37 776,27 3 363,84 857,24 3 714,71 779,19 3 376,47 (b) Motor vehicle sales person during first year of experience 665,85 2 885,35 614,38 2 662,33 665,85 2 885,35 614,38 2 662,33 thereafter 858,60 3 720,58 784,91 3 401,27 858,60 3 720,58 784,91 3 401,27 (c) Bookkeeper 1 082,47 4 690,70 1 004,98 4 354,91 1 091,85 4 731,36 1 006,32 4 360,72 (d) Accountant 1 841,46 7 979,67 1 707,36 7 398,54 1 865,80 8 085,15 1 711,62 7 417,00 (e) Parts salesperson – during first year of experience 694,03 3 007,44 646,74 2 802,53 696,89 3 019,86 647,14 2 804,26 thereafter 852,54 3 694,32 784,70 3 400,38 852,54 3 694,32 784,84 3 400,98 Sectors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 Sector 6 Class of Employee – All Areas Per week Per month Per week Per month (f) Traveller – during first year of experience 696,89 3 019,86 696,89 3019,86 thereafter 852,54 3 694,32 852,54 3694,32 (g) Supply sales person – – during first year of experience 696,89 3 019,86 696,89 3019,86 – during second year of experience 798,42 3 459,84 798,42 3459,84 – during third year of experience 894,80 3 877,48 894,80 3877,48 – thereafter 960,29 4 161,24 960,29 4161,24 (h) Part-time employees * * * *
* One-eleventh of the minimum weekly wage as prescribed for clerical employees in (a) hereof, for ordinary time worked on each day in any one week, or one forty-fifth of such prescribed minimum weekly wage for each hour or part of an hour of ordinary time worked in any one week, whichever is the greater.
Sectors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7 Sector 6 Per week Per hour Per week Per hour Per week Per hour Per week Per hour Class of Employee R R R R R R R R Forecourt Attendant (Diesel Outlets only) 330,11 7,34 288,71 6,42 (Petrol & Diesel Outlets) 509,00 11,31 509,00 11,31 509,00 11,31 509,00 Parking Garage Attendant 330,30 7,34 288,90 6,42 Char 414,00 9,20 372,15 8,27 433,35 9,63 377,10 Grade 2 579,60 12,88 498,15 11,07 605,25 13,45 503,55 8,38 Grade 3 626,85 13,93 594,90 13,22 650,25 14,45 613,35 11,19 Grade 4 684,45 15,21 649,80 14,44 709,20 15,76 668,70 13,63 Grade 5 763,65 16,97 723,15 16,07 787,05 17,49 743,85 14,86 Grade 6 917,55 20,39 868,95 19,31 937,35 20,83 886,05 16,53 Grade 7 1152,90 25,62 1152,90 25,62 1166,85 25,93 1166,85 19,69 Grade 8 1318,05 29,29 1318,05 29,29 1332,90 29,62 1332,90 25,93 Watchman 527,65 no hourly rate 527,65 no hourly rate 546,53 no hourly rate 546,53 29,62
Class of Employee All Areas Per week Per hour R R APPRENTICES Three year Trades First year 575,10 12,78 Second year 713,25 15,85 Third year 876,60 19,48 Four year Trades First year 575,10 12,78 Second year 630,90 14,02 Third year 713,25 15,85 Fourth year 876,60 19,48 Competency Based Modular Training Level 1 548,55 12,19 Level 2 684,45 15,21 Level 3 823,05 18,29 Level 4 958,50 21,30 Apprentice Wages Guaranteed Increases R / week R / hour R / week R / hour Operative engine assembler For the first 18 months of experience R763,05 R16,97 R70,65 R1,57 Thereafter R1 152,90 R25,62 R93,60 R2,08 Operative, grade A For the first 12 months of experience R763,65 R16,97 R70,65 R1,57 Thereafter R912,55 R20,39 R84,15 R1,87 Operative, grade B For the first 6 months of experience R626,85 R13,93 R49,95 R1,11
Numsa News