Numsa’s new membership card is here!

A message from the PresidentNumsa’s new membership card is ready to be issued. Put this poster up in your workplace.

We have tried to consider all problems that may arise but there might still be unforeseen areas that may slow down this process. We therefore request your patience during this massive task.

Ikhadi elisha lobulungu kuNumsa selikhona!Kodwa ngaphambi kokuba ulithole kufanele ubheke imininingwane yakho!Kufanele wenzeni wena, njengelungu ukuthola ikhadi? Hlola negosa lakho ukuthi imininingwane esohlwini lenkampani iNumsa eyalunika igosa ilungile yini. Lungisa noma yimiphi imininingwane engalungile. Uma igama lakho lingekho ohlwini, qiniseka ukuthi ugcwalisa yonke imininingwane efomini lobulungu leNumsa. Cela usizo uma ungaliqondi ifomu. Sidinga ukuthi lonke ulwazi lugcwaliswe. Ifomu lakho eligcwalisiwe linikeze igosa lakho. Igosa lingathumela lonke ulwazi kuNumsa esifundeni uma ngabe yonke imininingwane yelungu ngalinye leNumsa enkampanini yakho seyigcwalisiwe. Uma seluthunyeliwe, isifunda sizofaka lonke ulwazi kukhompyutha. Uma sekuqediwe lokhu, ihhovisi elikhulu leNumsa lizoprinta bese likuthumelela ikhadi lobulungu. Bheka iNumsa News ukuze uthole imininingwane yezinzuzo ongazithola ngekhadi lobulungu. Khumbula ukusayina ikhadi ngemuva lapho uqeda ukulithola.

Numsa se nuwe lidmaatskapkaart is hier! Maar voor jy dit kan kry, moet jy jou besonderhede nagaan!Wat moet jy, die lid, doen om die kaart te kry? Maak by jou vloerbeamptes seker dat jou besonderhede op die maatskappylys wat Numsa aan die vloerbeamptes gegee het, korrek is. Korrigeer enige besonderhede wat foutief is. As jou naam nie op die lys is nie, moet jy seker maak dat jy al die besonderhede op die Numsa-lidmaatskapvorm invul. Vra vir hulp as jy nie die vorm verstaan nie. Al die inligting moet ingevul word. Handig jou voltooide vorm by jou vloerbeampte in. Slegs wanneer al die besonderhede van ieder en elke Numsa-lid by jou maatskappy voltooi is, kan die vloerbeampte al die inligting na die Numsa-streek toe stuur. Sodra dit weggestuur is, sal die streekkantoor al die inligting op rekenaar vaslíª. Wanneer dit afgehandel is, sal Numsa se hoofkantoor dit druk en jou lidmaatskapkaart aan jou stuur. Hou Numsa News dop vir besonderhede omtrent die voordele wat jy uit jou lidmaatskapkaart kan trek. Onthou om die agterkant van die kaart te teken sodra jy dit ontvang.

Karata e ntjha ya botho ba Numsa e se e le teng!Empa pele o ka e fumana, o lokela ho lekola dintlha tsa hao!

Ke eng eo wena, jwalo ka setho, o lokelang ho e etsa hore o fumane karata? Lekola le shopsteward ya lona hore dintlha tsa hao tse lenaneng la khampani leo Numsa e le nehileng shopsteward hore na di nepahetse. Lokisa dintlha dife kapa dife tse sa nepahalang. Ha lebitso la hao le se lenaneng, etsa bonnete ba hore o tlatsa dintlha tse foromong ya botho ya Numsa. Kopa thuso ha o sa utlwisise ho foromong. Re batla hore o tlatse dintlha tsohle tseo re di hlokang. Neha shopsteward ya lona foromo e tlatsitsweng. Ke feela ha dintlha tsohle tsa setho ka seng sa Numsa se khampaning ya lona se se se tlatsitswe moo shopsteward e tla romela dintlha tsohle ofising ya lebatowa ya Numsa. Hang ho ba e romelwe, ba ofisi ya lebatowa ba tla kenya dintlha tsohle khomputareng. Hang ho ba ho phethwe ka hona, Ntlokgolo ya Numsa e tla hatisa mme e ho romele karata ya hao ya botho. Sheba koranta ya Numsa News bakeng sa dintlha tse mabapi le dibenefiti tseo o di fumanang ka karata ya hao ya botho. Hopola ho saena ka morao karateng ka potlako ha o qeta ho e fumana.

Remember that the quicker you verify your details with the shop stewards, and the quicker the Membership Administrator in the Region can update the members in the MEMs database, the quicker the cards can be printed and distributed.

Your cooperation and understanding is therefore much appreciated.

Why the verification process?We have already entered some members’ names onto our computer programme – MEMS. However, to avoid you receiving a membership card that is incorrect, we must double-check all the information that we have on our system.

We need to know who on the list has been retrenched, dismissed or retired. We also need to know the details of which Numsa members are not on our computer system. If you are not entered into our system, the system cannot give you a membership number. So all those that are not on the system must fill in a Numsa membership form and give it to their shop steward.

What must you as a shop steward do?Get the list of members in your company hand delivered, posted or e-mailed to you by Numsa. Shop stewards who have e-mail facilities to forward their name, their Company name, their Local and Region to Fred Petersen or Nishan Gunawardhana at: or or phone your region to get the list. Numsa will start with the bigger companies.

Approach company management to provide time and facilities to complete all the issues detailed below. If you are in a very big company, we can visit your company to help you do member verification so as to expedite the issuing of cards. But you must assist us by obtaining facilities for us.

Verify/update records:

Those members on the list who have left the company, indicate in the line directly under the name the reason, ie “retrenched”, “dismissed”, “resigned”, etc [do not scratch out the information as we need to see the detail in order that we can “delete” the member from the workplace] check the spelling of the name and surname very carefully as we want to avoid having to re-print/issue a card again due to wrong spelling on the member-card.
check the ID very carefully (this number allows us to look up member-status very quickly)
check the clock number carefully (with the assistance of your HR/IR/Personnel Department, this number will help you to trace the member in big companies and those companies having multi-shift systems)
those not on the list must complete the Membership form
return the list on which you have made the corrections, including completed Membership Forms of those not on the list, to your Region for the attention of the Membership Administrator
the Membership Administrator will then update the members of that workplace in MEMS.
Once that is completed, the MEMS administrator will send a request to Numsa head office to print and issue the cards to the Region for distribution.

What must you, the member do?Check with your shop steward that your details on the company list that Numsa has given the shop steward are correct. Correct any details that are incorrect.

If your name is not on the list, make sure you fill in all the details on the Numsa membership form. Ask for help if you don’t understand the form. We need all the information filled in.

Hand your completed form to your shop steward.

What benefits will your card bring you?Once we start to send out membership cards we will inform you of the benefits that your card will bring you. Watch Numsa News for details. Remember to sign the back of the card as soon as you receive it.
