Ngithi angudlulise ilaka lami njengelunga eselinesikhashana. Bengicela esigungwini kwenibuke iindaba yomasingcwabishane ngokuthi thasi njengalokhu nezindleko zinyuka mihla namalanga. Ngineminyaka emihlanu ngizebenza kodwa bengingakaze ngizwe ukunyuka kwe-benefit.
Okwesibili udaba engaluzwa emithonjeni yabezindaba kwinkongolo yangoSeptember eyayithi wonke umuntu olilunga uzothola uR10 ozosixhasa ekwakheni imizi kanye nemifundaze kithi nasezinganeni zethu, esakushayela ihlombe. Uma kusenjalo, asibone phela.
Nkosinathi Ngwane
Dear Ngwane
We always like it when members follow up on promises made. That is why we are making yours the winning letter.
To answer your questions:
on the R10 000 loan for building materials – read page 12 to find out details on what is happening. Discounts and building loans from Cashbuild will only start next year.
on the bursary scheme and improved funeral benefits – the Trust that will run this scheme still has to be set up and the rules set out for who can apply and what the scheme will pay. Keep watching Numsa News for details. There are also plans to improve the funeral benefit. But if you want to know about discounts you can get on funerals then phone Lesaka on 0861 520 520
Not yet
We are facing disastrous daysLoved ones are crumbling down We become garden boysEveryday we decrease Yet we do not see. We glorify our ambitious acts In the name of Christianity We defend our grubby deeds We think we are covered, Yet we are naked before God.
This world is full of inspiration But lacks implementation This world is full of forgers and fornicators, And claim to be holy. Yet we preach change everywhere. There is leprosy in leadership, There is leprosy in the church, There is leprosy in politics It brings misery in our lives,Yet we are too busy to see it.
How interesting it is,To find someone to blame,Yet we forget this: They are our mirrors, No, we don’t want to get caught.
Get out of lies And face reality, For we are not yet there, Spit and split nails off, From toes and feet.
People deal with ideas of ideology, Destroy idols that lie in the mind, Erase corruption in the corrugated books Eliminate selfishness in your pockets, Thou shall not serve two masters.
The sound of peace is not heard yet, The drum of joy is not calling yet, The dove of peace is being brutalised, Violins are still violent, There is still blood on our walls. Andries Linda Mbokazi
Welcome to poverty
Inheritance from 400 years Till dawning of democracy Shine dark faces with famine Them black by nature, As blessed in the heavens.
Dwellings of primitive norms, Erected from pillars of wood Shacks from ancient zinc, To cover their stranded souls.
As some live on Jesus’ charity, Others hell-bent on grants. Them have-nots for life, As the haves are prioritised, Thus differ their state incomes.
Welcome to poverty, Home of the homeless innocents. Pick your lot and name them, Lapland, Tyoksville, Korsten, Soweto , Veeplaas, as match-boxes set as homes, Them living below the breadline.
Come salute hunger and shame, Created outa perpetual joblessness. Say hello to sentimental infections, Deeprooted in scores of starvation, To this, as near is the ultimate end,For now, welcome to poverty.
Aubrey ka Saki
Is democracy alive in your workplace?
In LS Pressing in Johannesburg democracy is alive and well. Every Friday lunch, shop stewards address workers who have a chance to question their leaders on matters. Does this happen in your workplace? Write and tell us.
A proposed amendment to Numsa’s constitution which will be discussed next year, calls for factory general meetings to take place at least once per month.