Angie Moeng, Numsa’s second vice president, has just been elected to the Gauteng legislature as an ANC MP. Mbuso Mchunu caught up with her to find out how she felt.
How do you feel about your new position?
I feel great and honoured.
In which area have you been allocated?
I am not allocated as yet but I have been asked to serve in the ANC Treasurer’s department.
What portfolio have you been allocated to?
I have not been allocated as yet?
If you are not yet allocated, which one would you like to serve on?
In the social development and labour department.
Why do you choose this one?
Because I like working with people and making direct contact with them. I would also be able to promote the union’s name in this department.
How do you see yourself keeping in touch with Numsa in the future?
I will always interact with Numsa and Cosatu and keep contact.
What will you miss about not being a union person anymore?
I will miss a lot of things like the motor national shop steward council, negotiations, actions when there is a problem or deadlock. I don’t think the participation in the legislature will be like it is in the union. In the union you communicate amongst yourselves as shop stewards and the workers on the shopfloor, in regional shop steward councils and regional congresses. Those things I will miss a lot. Also meeting other workers internationally.