Agreements: House Agreement bargaining updates

But companies are still in dispute.

Columbus Stainless Steel – Workers will go on strike from August 27. Workers say the company’s offer of 8% only applies to the highest grade. Most workers will only receive a 4,5% increase. Workers want CPI-X + 5%.
Highveld Steel – Numsa has also declared a dispute. The company has offered 8.7% across the board. It is also refusing to attend monthly meetings with shop stewards and instead wants to call the meetings as and when necessary.
Manganese Metal Company (Nelspruit and Krugersdorp) – the dispute is now four weeks old. One dispute meeting has been held, another one will take place soon. Management is offering workers 6% across the board but workers are complaining that it gave white collar staff a 15% increase early this year. The company claims it is under pressure from the increasing value of the rand, cannot compete with Japanese companies and can’t raise its offer above 6%.
