When members have a problem, the first place they go to is their nearest Numsa local office. But during the organisational renewal analysis, when we asked staff and shop stewards to say how these Local offices were performing, the reports were not good. Participants told of poor participation by shop stewards in shop steward councils, of poor support for workplaces from organisers, of poor communication between shop stewards and members.
This project is Project No 1 because it is the most important project of all. We want to revive and rebuild our local offices so that members get 100% efficient and effective service. This is what this Project will do:
Until the end of November, three Numsa regions – Wits CW, KZN and W Cape will pilot different ways of working as a region with their locals. Until the end of November, a survey will be done looking at how the local offices should work, how members should be serviced etc. From early next year, the remaining regions will try out some of the new ways of working. In June 2003, the Numsa Central Committee will evaluate the new ways of working and decide how to proceed.
If you fall under the Wits Central West region (Johannesburg, Krugersdorp, Midrand, Sandton), KZN and W Cape regions then make sure that you write and tell us if service from your locals is improving. And next year, if you fall under the other Numsa regions, write and tell us how service is. We need to know from you – the member!
Numsa News