
Engineering outstanding issues – time for you to give your mandate!Jenny Grice and Thulani Mthiyane

Last year when it was time to sign the new Agreement, a number of issues were unresolved. They were sent to sub-committees to resolve.

Below we give you an update on these issues.We detail trade unions' initial demands and explain what are the proposals on how to deal with them.

If you don’t understand these proposals, find out more from your shop steward or local organiser.Make sure you discuss these issues in your workplaces, locals and give a mandate to your bargaining representatives by the end of October.

The next national meeting to discuss these proposals will be in November 2008.

Sekuyisikhathi sokuthi unikeze imvume yakho!Ngonyaka odlule nifake iziphakamiso zenu zezinguquko eSivumelwaneni Esikhulu sezobunjiniyela.

Kodwa-ke ezinye izindaba azange zixazululwe futhi zedluliselwa emakomidini amancane.Kwakuneziphakamiso ngokusebenza izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezibekiwe (overtime), umsebenzi wamashifu, ukukalwa ngamazinga nokunye.

Qiniseka ukuthi ufunda imininingwane yeziphakamiso ngenhla, xoxani ngalezo ziphakamiso futhi ninikeze amagosa enu imvume yenu ekupheleni kuka-Okthoba.

Dis tyd vir jou om jou mandaat te stel!Verlede jaar het werkers voorstelle gedoen omtrent veranderinge aan die Hoofooreenkoms in die ingenieursbedryf. Sommige kwessies is egter nie opgelos nie, en is na subkomitees terugverwys.

Daar was voorstelle rakende oortyd, skofwerk, posgradering ensovoorts. Maak seker dat jy die volle voorstelle hierbo lees, bespreek dit en gee jou mandaat teen die einde van Oktober aan jou vloerbeampte.

Jwale ke nako ya hore le fane ka taetso ya lona!Selemong se fetileng le ile la hlahisa ditshisinyo tsa ho fetolwa ha Tumellano e ka Sehloohong ya tsa bo-enjinere.

Le ha ho le jwalo, tse ding tsa ditaba ha di a ka tsa rarollwa mme di ile tsa lebiswa dikomiting tse nyenyane.Ho bile le ditshisinyo tse mabapi le nako e ekeditsweng ya ho sebetsa, mosebetsi wa ditjhifi, dikereiti jwalojwalo.

Etsang bonnete ba hore le bala ditshisinyo tsena ka botlalo, buisanang ka tsona e be le fana ka ditaetso tsa lona ho di-shop steward tsa lona ho ya mafelong a Mphalane.

What trade unions wanted

New proposals for amendments to agreement

Overtime pay

Delete clauses 5(9)(a) and (b) and 5(10)(a) and (b) and increase overtime premiums

Proposed new clauses 8(c) and 8(d):(c) ‘overtime payment’ shall be made in accordance with clause 5(1)(a); and(d)Unless otherwise agreed overtime shall be worked on a voluntary basis.

What these two new clauses mean:If you did not work a full week, all hours that you work as overtime hours will be used to make up for hours that you have lost in making up your 40 hour week before you get paid overtime.Example: You work Monday to Thursday – 4 days x 8 hours = 32 hours. You don’t come to work on Friday, not because you were sick and you come and work on Saturday for overtime.

The 8 hours you work on Saturday will be paid at normal time. But if on Friday you don’t come to work and your reason is that you were sick on that day with or without a sick note, overtime hours will be paid at overtime rate.

Every overtime hour worked will be paid in terms of overtime clauses of the main agreement unless there is a different company-based agreement. Workers who stay away from work for more than two days will have to produce a sick certificate or have some kind of agreement with an employer for them to qualify for overtime payment worked after normal hours.


Hours worked on Sunday should be paid at Sunday rates

Proposal:The Main Agreement sets out how workers are paid for Saturday, Sunday work and public holiday work. If the employer and trade union have not signed a different agreement, then the Main Agreement will apply.


* employer must give 7 days notice of short-time and parties should specify what “unforeseen contingencies” mean

Proposals:* employer must give 5 calendar days notice of short-time (ie could include a week-end as 2 days)* if short-time working is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the employer eg theft, load-shedding, fire, then the employer does not have to give notice but must pay workers for four hours for presenting themselves for work.

Payment of earnings

Wages should be paid weekly and introduction of monthly pay only after agreement of parties; new recruits to be able to choose how they will be paid

Currently clause 8 of the Main Agreement says that workers must be paid weekly in cash. Employees can change this if:* 75% of employees support the change OR* there is an agreement between parties.

New proposal for regions to discuss:If the employer decides to employ a new employee, the employer and shop stewards must inform the new employee of the prevailing method of payment in that company ie whether workers are paid weekly or monthly. (It is not possible to allow each individual to elect whether s/he is paid monthly or weekly)

Annual shutdown

Annual shutdown arrangements should be a matter for negotiation at plant level

Currently clause 16(1); (7) and (8) of the Main Agreement say that the employer must get the consent of the Regional Council for shutdown arrangements. The new proposal is that a Regional Council Committee must give that consent – this will allow trade unions to have a say in the matter.

Ergonomic committee

Ergonomic committee should be involved in all processes and should have veto powers.

Addition to clause 33(2)(b)(i) to allow parties to declare a dispute if there is no agreement on the ergonomic implications of the technological changes


Collapsing of G and H to F and also an appropriate grading structure for the industry

Proposal:Expand the current five grade structure by introducing a new entry level grade which applies to new employees engaged on labouring tasks during their first 12 months of service with a company.

* This entry level grade becomes the new grade 1. * The existing Grade 1 becomes Grade 2; * Grade 2 becomes Grade 3; * Grade 3 becomes Grade 4; * Grade 4 becomes Grade 5; * Grade 5 becomes Grade 6; * A new Grade 7 to be introduced to cater for a higher grade artisan.

Proposed wage structureGrade 1 minimum: A new entry level wage for Grade 1 to be agreed for new employees who perform labouring tasks.Grade 2 minimum: – grades G, H, F to be collapsed into Grade 2.

This grade will contain a lower, mid and upper minimum. Employees who are on the lower and mid positions will be phased into the higher minimum as they acquire the appropriate skills.

Grade 3, 4 5, and 6.- wage minimums to be based on the existing 5 grade minimums. Grade 7 – a new grade 7 minimum to be extrapolated from the wage curve.


Numsa News 
