Attention engineering workersHow to calculate your leave pay and bonus
It’s annual shutdown time again. Read here to find out how much leave pay and bonus you can expect.* You must get 3 consecutive weeks’ paid leave that includes 4 weekends. * The 3 weeks must be extended with full pay for each public holiday which falls during the shutdown period and which would otherwise have been an ordinary working day. In 2006/7 these days are 25 December, 26 December and 1 January (16 December if you normally work on a Saturday)* All employees are entitled to their full leave pay and leave enhancement pay (bonus) if they have completed- 234 shifts for 5-day week workers (excluding overtime) OR- 283 shifts for 6-day week workers (excluding overtime) OR- all available shifts since the last shutdown* New employees and others who have not worked all available shifts during the year are entitled to pro rata leave pay and pro rata leave enhancement pay (leave bonus). * Employee’s sick leave of not more than 43 shifts (five-day week) or 52 shifts (six-day week) during the year will qualify as shifts worked. * if you were on short time during the year for up to 3 months and you worked not less than 27 hours a week, your shifts worked will be regarded as full shifts for the purpose of calculating leave pay and bonus. If you worked short time for more than 3 months, your shifts worked will be reduced to 4 a week.* If you were on layoff for up to 8 weeks, the shifts that you missed will be counted as normal shifts for the purposes of calculating leave pay. Any time spent on layoff beyond 8 weeks will not be counted as shifts for the purpose of calculating your leave pay and bonus.* If you have worked for the same employer for 4 consecutive years, you are entitled to an extra week’s paid leave. This leave can be added to your annual shutdown leave, can be paid out, or can be accumulated until you qualify for three weeks’ additional paid leave. * If you are doing essential work during the shutdown, your employer must inform the relevant MEIBC regional office of the names of these employees at least 1 month in advance. You must be given your paid leave within 4 months of the date of the shutdown.
How to calculate leave pay
Number of shifts actually worked (excluding overtime) X Weekly wage x 3 weeks* 234 (5-day week) or 283 (6-day week)
* x 4 weeks if you have worked for 4 or more years for the same employer
Formula to calculate leave enhancement pay (BONUS)
Number of shifts actually worked (excluding overtime) X Actual normal weekly wage (excluding allowances) x 52 weeks x 8.33% 234 (5-day week) or 283 (6-day week)
NOTEMany companies have applied to be exempt from paying the leave enhancement pay (bonus). Often the Council grants them a partial exemption. Phone the Metal Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC) to find out if your company is one of them.
Contact MEIBC National office – JohannesburgTel: 011 639 8000Fax: 086 636 8690
Gauteng Region – Johannesburg Tel: 011 639 8000Fax: 086 636 8689
Border Region – East London Tel: 043 743 7790Fax: 086 636 8691
Midland Region – Port Elizabeth Tel: 041 586 1542Fax: 086 636 8694
Free State & Northern Cape Region – Welkom Tel: 057 352 4142Fax: 086 636 8697
Cape – Cape Town Tel: 021 421 6140Fax: 086 636 8696
KZN – Durban Tel: 031 305 4761Fax: 086 636 8693
KZN – Richards Bay Tel: 035 789 2084Fax: 086 636 8698
Mpumalanga – Middelburg Tel: 013 282 8778/8781Fax: 086 636 8695
P 10TranslationUkubala inkokhelo yakho yelivu kanye nebhonasi* Uma usebenze wonke amashifu onyakeni owedlule, ungathola inkokhelo yelivu elingana namasonto amathathu kanye nebhonasi yenyanga eyodwa. * Uma usebenzele umqashi oyedwa iminyaka emi-4 noma ngaphezulu, ungathola inkokhelo yelivu yamasonto ama-4 kanye nebhonasi yenyanga eyodwaBheka ibhokisi ukuze ubone ukuthi uyibala kanjani inkokhelo yakho yelivu kanye nebhonasi yakho.
Bereken jou verlofbetaling en jou bonus* As jy al die moontlike skofte in die afgelope jaar gewerk het, dan kan jy verlofbetaling gelykstaande aan drie weke kry, asook 1 maand se bonus* As jy al vir 4 jaar of langer vir dieselfde werkgewer werk, kan jy 4 weke se verlofbetaling plus 1 maand se bonus kryKyk na die insetsel om te sien hoe om jou verlofbetaling en bonus te bereken.
Ho bala tefello ya hao ya llifi le dibonase tsa hao* Ha o sebeditse ditjhifi tsohle selemong se fetileng moo o ka fumana palo elekanang le ya dibeke tse tharo ya tefello ya llifi le bonase ya kgwedi e le nngwe* Ha sebeditse dilemo tse 4 kapa ka hodimo ho moo ho ramosebetsi ya mong, o ka fumana tefello ya llifi ya dibeke tse 4 le bonase ya kgwedi e le nngweLekola lebokosong ho bona ka moo o ka balang tefello ya hao ya llifi le bonase ya hao.
STOP PRESSChanges to Engineering Sick Pay Fund The Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC) has sent the revised Sick Pay Fund Agreement to the Department of Labour for them to gazette.New changes to the Fund are as follows:* Employees will qualify for a maximum of three days compassionate leave per annum (once their entitlement to “family responsibility leave” has been exhausted) and will receive compensation at their normal rate of pay.* All employees and employers in the industry will be covered. Up to now the Fund has only covered those workers who belonged to trade unions (like Numsa) and employer organisations that were part of the Council.More in the next Numsa News.