The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) invites members of the media to attend the 100 year commemoration of the Russian Revolution.
One hundred years ago on 24th October 1917(November in today’s calendar), the peasants, working class and disaffected soldiers in Russia overthrew the centuries-old system of Tsarist rule. Up until then Russia of the Tsars was one of history’s most terrible dictatorships. The vast majority of Russians laboured under severe oppression, and were subject to the iron rule of the regime and the nobility.
The NUMSA Research and Policy Institute (NuRPI) will be exploring the commemorative and political educational dimensions of the Russian Revolution through “Red Century Film Screenings” and a series of political dialogues which will be taking place throughout the week.
The celebration will run from Sunday 5th November to Friday 10th November 2017. I’ve also attached the programme for the weeks events.
For more information contact:
Phakamile Hlubi
NUMSA National Spokesperson (Acting)
RED CENTENARY Provisional Programme 2017
NUMSA celebrates the 100 year anniversary of Russian Revolution