The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is holding its ordinary scheduled National Executive Committee (NEC), as from Tuesday 21 July 2015 – until – Thursday 23 July 2015, Vincent Mabuyakhulu Conference Centre (VMCC), 155 Lillian Ngoyi (formerly Bree) Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, Gauteng province.
The NEC will receive and discuss the political, organisational, international and financial reports to be presented by the National Office Bearers (NOBs’). The NEC is being attended by the NOBs’ and elected NEC members drawn from the constitutional structures of the union.
Some of the key issues to be discussed by the NEC;
- Assessment of Cosatu’s Special National Congress (SNC) held on July 13-14, 2015; and way forward for Numsa based on a mandated position on an alternative Federation;
- National Shopstewards elections in sectors organised by Numsa, as a build-up to Congresses in 2016;
- Marikana Report and findings as presented by President Jacob Zuma;
- Retrenchments in precious metal and steel industry and jobs bloodbath;
- Axing of PRASA CEO and Eskom’s challenges; AND
National Day of Action against Corruption on August 19, 2015;
The Media Briefing will be addressed by the National Office Bearers (NOBs’), namely President ANDREW CHIRWA; General Secretary IRVIN JIM; 1st Deputy President CHRISTINE OLIVER; 2nd Deputy President BASIL CELE; National Treasurer MPHUMZI MAQUNGO and Deputy General Secretary KARL CLOETE.
The details of the post-NEC Media Briefing are as follows:
DATE: Thursday 23 July 2015
TIME: 13H00 [midday]
VENUE: Vincent Mabuyakhulu Conference Centre, 155 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Newtown
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
Castro Ngobese
National Spokesperson
Mobile: +2783 627 5197
Tel (dir): +2711 689 1702
Twitter: @castrongobese