The Bisho administration displays arrogance reminiscent of the disdain that Bantustan leaders displayed to citizens

The United Front in the Eastern Cape condemns in the strongest possible terms the arrogance displayed by the leadership of Bisho legislature in refusing to come and collect our memorandum of demands when we picketed outside the legislature on Friday 06 March. 
The memorandum of demands was meant to be handed over to a government representative. We also had an agreement on picketing rules that made provisions that the United Front will hand over a memorandum of demands to a mandated official of government. Over and above this signed agreement, a letter was written on 04 March 2015 to remind them on what was to happen on the day of the picket. Legislature representatives confirmed receipt of this letter, but refused to come out and collect the memorandum.
The conduct by leaders who were voted by the people not to collect our memorandum clearly shows that these leaders do not care. They are there for themselves and they are law unto themselves.
The fact that they called police to our peaceful picketing is a sign and proof that we are really in a police state. Ours was to deliver to them our demands for a provincial budget that is pro-poor communities and that addresses basic services to our people that are guaranteed in the Constitution of the Republic but are not received/enjoyed by our people.
The Eastern Cape United Front will not rest until these demands are met. We will continue to mobilise rank and file in every street, township and village to press forward until these demands are realised. The United Front is here to expose corruption that has characterized the Eastern Cape provincial and local government for the past 21 years.
United Front action rolls to Bishop High Court in support of rural democracy
The United Front in the Eastern Cape supports the struggles of rural people of Cala Reserve. These communities have been waging battles against the government of the Eastern Cape including going in and out of the courts.
The government lead by Phumulo Masualle comes out of democratic elections but the same government wants to deny the rural people the right to elect their own local representatives through democratic processes consistent with their custom. This conduct by Masualle’s government is reminiscent of the colonial and apartheid practices of imposing traditional leaders over our people.
This conduct was fought tooth and nail by our people until the democratic breakthrough of 1994. How come in 21 years of political democracy, a democratic government is adamant and defiant in spending tax payers money in courts in fighting democracy of rural people? Why must Mussaulle’s government appeal this court victory of rural people in quest for democracy? Why are they appealing for something which is against both the East­ern Cape Tra­di­tional Lead­er­ship and Gov­er­nance Act and the Constitution of South Africa?
The United Front in the Eastern Cape will be joining these rural communities on Thursday 12 March 2015 in the picket line at the Bisho High Court in support of rural democracy.  
The UF is a caring organisation. It will be handing over donations to the needy communities of Lapland (Therryville)
The United Front in the Nelson Mandela Metro will tomorrow the 11 March 2015 be handing over donations in the form of clothing and food to the communities of Lapland – Uitenhage.
This is community that was evicted early this year by the municipality that is governed by the ruling party. This community was evicted during bad weather conditions, without alternative accommodation being availed by authorities.
These evictions were carried through against major Constitutional Court rulings that prohibit evictions without alternative accommodation. These acts by officials of the municipality were a great reminder of how people were forcefully removed during the apartheid era.
For further details contact:
Mziyanda Twani – 083 576 3123
United Front Eastern Cape Organizer
