NUMSA Deputy General Secretary cde Karl Cloete’s Reply to the Mail & Guardian Questions based on SATAWU’s statement

Author’s note: The COSATU’s CEC, held on 08 April 2014, attended by all Affiliates, agreed to the cessation of hostilities, and desist from engaging in the media on issues that are being dealt with through an agreed internal process. Unfortunately, SATAWU’s statement and utterances by its General Secretary, has not only undermined the agreed process, but uplifted the ceasefire. We shall see what action shall be taken by COSATU National Office Bearers (NOBs’) against SATAWU, particularly against its General Secretary Zenzo Mahlangu.

  • Accusing NUMSA of perpetrating violence against SATAWU members and shopstewards is not only untested and irresponsible but it borders on libel which we are referring to our Attorneys for advice.
  • SATAWU has gone on a purging of worker leaders and their officials who democratically challenged undemocratic and fraudulent practices for which NUMSA has become the scape-goat. We await with keen interest the court processes involving the arrest and criminal charges against the SATAWU General Secretary who allegedly siphoned off about R18m of worker funds.
  • SATAWU must answer to the many different deals they have signed with management of state owned enterprises against the express will and wishes of their members. The workers at Ngqura can tell their own story of the hand in glove collaboration between Transnet management and SATAWU leaders. NUMSA therefore refuses to become a scape goat.
  • NUMSA is not and shall never become a political party as suggested by SATAWU and gang. We make no apologies to anyone for the democratic and transparent decisions taken at the December 2013 Numsa Special National Congress. Hanging on to the apron strings of a dysfunctional Alliance which produces and reproduces neo-liberal policies such as the NDP, e-tolling, labour broking, national youth wage subsidy, etc is best left to SATAWU to answer. Staying in an abusive and offensive relationship is no longer tolerable and bearable for NUMSA and its members.
  • The fantasy and imaginary SATAWU statement that NUMSA want Ports to be organised for purposes of bringing into the Republic of South Africa illegal goods and weapons shows the fact that SATAWU and its leadership would drum up emotive fantasies probably with the help of rogue intelligence elements in the State.
  • It is such a waste of time for NUMSA to take time out of its very busy schedule to respond to the nonsense uttered by the delusional SATAWU General Secretary

Karl Cloete
Deputy General Secretary
Numsa Head Office – Johannesburg
