Navigation the road ahead…

2014 is the bargaining year for Numsa’s Engineering sector.  And, like runners in a relay the race has started…

But, pause for a moment and consider before we run… Numsa workers should be prepared. Numsa Workers should:
• Be informed of the outcome of the National Bargaining conference (NBC).
• Have consolidated position
• Hold discussion across all structures
• Save money for the strike action.
Negotiation is a give and take game. The submission of demands is just the start of a long, long race.
The NBC, held in March in Gauteng, emerged with 20 demands. While all demands are important the Engineering sector should give priority to the following three: Wages, Duration of Agreement and the Scope.  The other demands focus on improvements, broadly.
The three demands (Wages, Duration of Agreement and Scope) are the bedrock of the Living Wage campaign. And, the scope is in-line with one of the resolution taken at the December 2013 Special National Congress.
Workers should consider the obstacles in their path – some companies push long duration agreement from 3yrs – 5yrs as they know long agreements impact on worker militancy – and kill workers’ fighting spirit. The road is not always easy but we must work it…
Jack Mamabolo is Numsa Johannesburg local chairperson
