Striking auto workers march to auto employers

NUMSA National Treasurer Mphumzi Maqungo on Monday addressed striking auto workers in Pretoria on Monday September 2.
The workerkers marched from the Old Putco depot to the NAAMSA offices to hand-over a memorandum of demands to the management.
The strike is now in its third week and is costing the economy millions per day.
“These cars that are full on our streets everyday are produced by our hands, therefore as workers, we must get what we deserve. housing, transport, medical aid, these are the very fundamental basic needs”, said Numsa Treasurer, Mphumzi Maqungo.
The memorandum was handed ovet to Automobile Manufacturing Employers’ Organisation (AMEO)  Chairman Thapelo Molapo.  
“I will make sure that i submit this memo to the board tonight, thereafter i will make sure that i get back to you as soon as possible”.
Download memorandum here
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