Calling all ex-workers from Petzetakis

Calling all ex-workers from Petzetakis

Petzetakis is a factory in Garankuwa. It was closed down 2011 and now the liquidators are coming to meet the workers to take all their details so that if there is some money they will be paid. The ex-workers (or their dependents if the worker has died) must bring all the documents mentioned below to the meeting.

The ex-workers may be anywhere in South Africa now. We are appealing to anyone that may know them to contact them so that they can be at the meeting on Monday 4 March.

The details of who should come and what they should bring are given below:
Who? Anyone who was in the employ of Petzetakis as at May 2011 or if a person has passed away the family member/person appointed to administer the estate must attend.

What should be brought?

An original ID book or a certified copy. If you do not have this bring something and the liquidator will advise if it is good enough or if further proof is required. If you have your final payslip then bring it along.

If you are representing a person who has passed on? Proof of identity of the person attending. The original or certified copy of the death certificate, original or certified document from the court authorising him/her to administer the estate.

Where? 46 Hendrik Van Eck Road



When? 11am until 2pm
Monday, 4 March 2013.

More information contact: Sekome the NUMSA organiser on 073 176 4864
