Unveiling of Vincent Mabuyakhulu’s tombstone

Unveiling of Vincent Mabuyakhulu's tombstone

Woody ArounAs political parties wrapped up their election campaigns on Sunday 19 April 2009, Numsa headed towards Jozini in northern KwaZulu Natal to unveil the tombstone of their former President and ANC National Member of Parliament, Vincent Mabuyakhulu who passed away in 2006.

The unveiling ceremony, attended by family and friends attracted a huge contingent of Numsa members from mainly KwaZulu-Natal, as well as National Office Bearers Comrades Cedric Gina, Christine Olivier and Irvin Jim.

Office bearers from the Northern Cape region also attended the ceremony. Several high ranking officials of the ANC and SACP also graced the podium – first amongst these was Willies Mchunu, the speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislative Assembly.

Ululating groups of community activists joined union members and sang revolutionary songs as the Priest read the final rites that preceded the unveiling of the tombstone which read as follows: "Numsa salutes their former president and comrade DV Mabuyakhulu for his charismatic and selfless contribution towards confronting the logic of capital.

"Tributes for Mabuyakhulu poured in from a number of sources: METSO Minerals, apart from making a handsome contribution towards the cost of hosting the ceremony, described Vincent as a smart and articulate negotiator and as a worker who seldom refused to abdicate his workplace duties until the job was done.

Family members spoke of Mabuyakhulu affectionately, while Gina (Numsa President) and Irvin Jim (Numsa General Secretary) paid tribute to the services that he gave to the union during his term of office.

As a Member of Parliament, Mabuyakhulu served on a number of portfolio-committees and made his mark as a champion of the working class and the poor. As a gesture of goodwill, Gina promised to take forward the political work that Mabuyakhulu had started by inaugurating the first political school for union cadres and political activists in the region.

Speaker after speaker called on the community and union members to vote in the forthcoming elections, and to ensure that the ANC wins a sizeable majority that would allow the organization to continue with its socio-economic developmental agenda.

Mbuso Ngubane, the Regional Secretary of Numsa KZN brought the proceedings to a close as groups of ‘reds’ took to the stage chanting Woza ANC! Viva ANC! Viva! ANC! ANC! ANC!

Ukumbulwa kwetshe likaVincent MabuyakhuluUmndeni nabangani bakaVincent Mabuyakhulu namakhulu ngamakhulu amalunga eNumsa kanye nezikhulu ze-ANC kade bebuthene eJozini, enyakatho neKwaZulu-Natali lapho bebezokwembula itshe lakhe.UMabuyakhulu wayeyishop steward enkampanini iMetso Minerals, kwaSithebe, futhi eyiphini lesibili likamengameli weNumsa ngaphambi kokuba aye ephalamende ayoba yilunga lephalamende elimele i-ANC. Ushone ngowe-2006.

Die onthulling van Vincent Mabuyakhulu se grafsteenFamilie en vriende van Vincent Mabuyakhulu het saam met honderde Numsa-lede asook ANC-hooggeplaastes by Jozini in noordelike KwaZulu-Natal byeengekom om sy grafsteen te onthul.Mabuyakhulu was ‘n vloerbeampte by Metso Minerals in Isithebe, en was Numsa se tweede adjunk-president voordat hy ANC-Parlementslid geword het. Hy is in 2006 oorlede.

Pulo ya lejwe la sehopotso la Vincent MabuyakhuluBa lelapa le metswalle ya Vincent Mabuyakhulu ekasitana le makgolokgolo a ditho tsa Numsa le bahlomphehi ba ANC ba ne ba bokane mane Jozini, leboya la KwaZulu Natal pulong ya lejwe la hae.Mabuyakhulu e ne e le shop steward mane Metso Minerals e Isithebe hape a le motlatsi wa mopresidente wa bobedi pele a ya palamenteng ho ya ba Setho sa Palamente sa ANC. Yena o hlokahetse ka 2006.

Numsa's conference centre is growing!Zee Hassan is in charge of all Numsa's buildings, especially the ones that it owns. Kaya Ka Yoko spoke to him.

When did this construction start on the extension to the Vincent Mabuyakhulu Conference Centre (formerly called the Moses Mayekiso Conference Centre) and when will it be ready?By September this year it must be ready as renovations started in November 2008.

How have you ensured that the workers employed by the contractor enjoy better benefits?We resolved one case where a group of workers from that project complained to us.

How much is this work costing Numsa?The round figure is about R20 million if the work runs smoothly, but if there are any unexpected things which may lead to extra work it will fluctuate further.

When the refurbishment is complete how many people will it be able to accommodate?Almost 100 people.

How many meeting rooms will there be?The new section will have a meeting room for 110 people with a new dining facility to cater for these people. The existing Centre has three different venues including an audio visual room.


Numsa News
