
WOMENImbokodo…Ayanda Billie

Ayanda Billie talks to a Volkswagen SA Numsa shop steward, Thumeka Jack, in Uitenhage about herself and her involvement in the struggle of workers.

Who is Thumeka Jack and what is your role in Numsa at VWSA?Tumie is a talkative woman born in rural Ciskei. In my teens I came to Port Elizabeth with my parents. Now I am a Numsa shopsteward in VWSA.

How long have you been involved in the workers' struggle?Since 1995 I was in Popcru in the South African Police Service. I was a police reservist during those racist times.

What are the challenges of being a woman amongst men?In the meetings you always have to emphasise whatever you are saying. We cannot expect men to listen to us if we don’t make a noise.

To you what is the meaning of Women’s Day? All woman have to appreciate what those sheroes have done for us, our mothers have suffered for our generation to have what we take for granted today. When you teach a woman, you are empowering generations to come.

Is the struggle of workers going forwards or backwards?Yes, it’s going forwards but there is still a lot to be done. We should politicize the workers more so that they may not lose hope. It is darkness before light, we should stand together.

As a married woman how do you balance your responsibilities?Communication is the best weapon I use to balance my responsibilities. My husband is very supportive.

When I have political commitments he understands. But even after all I always make time for my family to keep things warm at home.

What can the women of today learn from the struggle of women of the 1960s, the likes of umama u-Lilian Ngoyi and umama u-Veronica Sobukwe?Those were real women mothers, real daughters of Afrika who stood firm behind their men and children.

They were politically and spiritually strong. Their spirits were and are unshakable, Babeyi mbokodo.

What motivates you as a shopsteward?Someone who wakes up everyday and goes to work for her children.

To hear umsebenzi talk about tomorrow, having dreams of him/herself studying towards something. There is one thing I know, no-one wants to work 30 years as an operator here in VW!

What does it take to remain trusted and respected by workers?To be honest enough to tell even bad news to the workers. And be a reliable person. To be a visible shop steward and be there always, to stand-up for a worker even if you know s/he has made a blunder.

What makes you cringe?Racial prejudice, liars and heartless people who gain from the suffering of others.

Iresiphi yempumelelo yegosaUkuba neqiniso, ukuthembeka, ukubonakala nokusukuma komsebenzi ngisho ngabe uyazi ukuthi wenza iphutha iresiphi kaThumeka Jack yokuhlala uyigosa elithembekile nelihloniphekile.

Esebenza e-VWSA e-Uitenhage, unkosikazi kanye nomama ukholelwa ukuthi emihlanganweni "kufanele ukugcizelele nanoma yini okushoyo. Angeke silindele ukuthi amadoda asilalele uma singawenzi umsindo.

"Nangale kokuchitha isikhathi sakhe esiningi esebenzela inyunyana usaqiniseka ukuthi ubanaso isikhathi somndeni wakhe futhi “ikhaya uligcina lifudumele".

Die resep vir ‘n suksesvolle vloerbeampteThumeka Jack se resep daarvoor om ‘n vertroude en gerespekteerde vloerbeampte te bly, is om eerlik, betroubaar, en sigbaar te wees en ‘n werker se regte te verdedig selfs al weet jy hy/sy het ‘n fout begaan.

Hierdie vrou en moeder wat by VWSA in Uitenhage werk, glo dat jy in vergaderings "altyd klem moet lê op dít wat jy sê. Ons kan nie verwag dat mans na ons sal luister as ons nie geraas maak nie."Ten spyte daarvan dat sy baie van haar tyd aan vakbondwerk bestee, maak sy nog seker dat sy tyd inruim vir haar gesin, en dat sy "dinge by die huis warm hou".

Ditataiso bakeng sa katleho ya di-shop stewardHo tshepahala, ho ba le boikarabelo, ho bonahala le ho emela mosebetsi le ha o tseba hore o entse phoso ke yona ntho eo Thumeka Jack a e etsang bakeng sa ho dula a tshepahala mme a hlomphuwa jwalo ka shop steward.

Jwalo ka ha a sebetsa VWSA mane Uitenhage, mosadi hape e le mme wa bana o dumela hore dikopanong “ka mehla o lokela ho toboketsa seo o se bolelang.

Re ke ke ra lebella banna hore ba re mamele ha re sa etse lerata."Le ha a nkile nako e ngata ya hae a etsa mosebetsi wa yunione o ntse a etsa bonnete ba hore o ba le nako le ba lelapa la hae mme o “boloka lelapa le ntse le na le mofuthu".


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