Written by: Mxolisi Hlengwa (KZN Region)

11 March 2021

On the 09th of March 2021, National union of metal workers (NUMSA) members at Technostar down tooled in demand for the full implementation of the Motor collective main agreement.

The company is the member of Retail Motor Organisation (RMI), employer organization which is party in Motor Bargaining Council (MIBCO).

Despite peace clause in the Motor Collective main agreement, which nullify bargaining at a plant level once the agreement is reached, it the second year without a legally binding agreement in the motor industry.

One female member was offered the opportunity to speak, all members cheered and applauded her, as she shouted, “We want our increase; we don’t care about the company being closed down”.

Workers have been experiencing layoffs from the beginning of last year. Workers were picketing outside the gate without any Picketing rules as they were also embarking on an unprotected strike.

“They must stop telling us about national, we are not working for national, we are working for them” another disgruntled member shouted from the crowd as Lawrence Mlangeni, Vusi Shezi local organizer was addressing the members.

Workers are very angry about a certain manager’s conduct, which is alleged, he is the reason the company is down varying all worker benefits, and company not generating any revenues.

As NUMSA official was giving the workers the opportunity to speak, while recoding their demands, another worker said, “Ever since he came here, the company is going down, he must leave”, all members starter shouting that the manager must leave, calling him by his name.

“We are tired of talking with this manager, we want senior management from head office to come down and talk to us” as the member concludes.

Workers in Tehnostar are still on strike, Durban central members joined them on the following day, Durban central is a sister company to Technostar, they are on a same payroll.

As the strike continues, management responded by saying that, they will look into their demands, see what can be done to resolve the dispute, but it will take some time.

Shopsteward asserted that the manager concerned, the one that workers do not want, requested to meet with the shopsteward committee over the demands, but workers do not want anything to do with him, should they go there to meet with him, it will be not on their mandate.

Workers have issued an ultimatum, it either the manager in question go or the company to close down.
