The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) in KwaZulu-Natal condemns Mpact Plastics for shooting our members. Our members from Enock Mabaso Local in Pinetown were picketing peacefully outside the local Mpact Plastics company on Tuesday afternoon, when they were shot by members of the private security firm Taxi Violence. The company hired these thugs to fire on defenceless workers. Three of our members were injured when they were shot at with rubber bullets.
It is disturbing that Mpact Plastics felt it necessary to hire this private security company, especially as at the time of the picket the SAPS were also present. Furthermore, Mpact and other employers have money to hire private security companies, but they do not want to grant our members a wage increase, which they deserve. They keep harassing us with ridiculous, frivolous court applications and they make false claims that our members are violent, when in fact, it is the employers who are the ones brutalizing our members!
We condemn this vicious, violent and unprovoked attack on defenceless workers. We want to remind Mpact and other plastic companies that our members have the right to picket and to protest. NUMSA will be pursuing this matter, our officials will be following up with the with the SAPS so it can be fully investigated.
We are inspired by the courage displayed by our members on the picket line. They remain resolute and they will not back down. The strike will continue and will intensify. As the region of KZN we support the call made by the national leadership of NUMSA for members to consider a sympathy strike to strengthen the Plastic strike.
It is only in the unity of the working class that we can defeat our enemies.
Aluta continua!
The struggle continues!
Issued by Mbuso Ngubane
NUMSA Regional Secretary
For more information, please contact:
Phakamile Hlubi-Majola
NUMSA National Spokesperson
