The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) condemns SAA Technical (SAAT) for dragging its feet on disciplining senior executive managers. Since August 2017 when the High Court ordered SAAT to take disciplinary action against managers fingered in corruption, they have done everything possible to delay this process. They even appealed this decision of the court. In fact, Wellington Nyuswa, was promoted to the position of Acting CEO at SAAT, in spite of the fact that he was fingered in allegations of misconduct according to the Open Waters Forensic report. Also, some of the Heads of Department who were recommended for disciplinary action by the same report, continue to hold their positions, and pose a huge threat because they have access to information, and are able to victimize workers.
The SAAT board has selectively charged certain employees and managers, whilst all the masterminds remain untouched. Some of them are involved in stealing components and defrauding the company. Whilst others are involved in recruiting critical skills from SAAT, to join the new MRO of Lufthansa in order to ensure that SAAT collapses and fails to comply with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulations.
The SAAT board continues to defend corruption and must always be forced into taking disciplinary action, whilst in comparison, some of our members who blew the whistle on corruption were victimized and disciplined for doing so. As a result, NUMSA has filed an application to the High Court to force the SAAT Board to execute their fiduciary duties. SAAT is losing millions every year because of unscrupulous service providers who often invoice more than once for the same component.
Some senior managers at SAAT who work in the HR department have deliberately manipulated systems in order to allow certain individuals to increase their salaries and benefits without any processes followed. These and other issues continue to be tolerated, in spite of the dire financial implications for SAAT.
We demand that SAAT demonstrate their commitment to rooting out corruption. All HOD’s implicated in the Open Water Forensic report must be suspended. Every cent which was mismanaged or stolen by executives must be recovered from them and reinvested back into SAAT. NUMSA has lodged a separate court application at the High court to demand damages from senior managers at SAAT for the role they played in the alleged irregular sale of Ground Power Units at the State Owned Enterprise.
Furthermore, we demand the immediate re-instatement of all our members who have been disciplined through dodgy processes and trumped up charges, because they dared to stand up and fight corruption. We salute our members for being truly revolutionary and putting their jobs on the line in order to prevent corruption and looting. They remain champions of the struggle.
Aluta continua!
The struggle continues!
Issued by Phakamile Hlubi-Majola
NUMSA National Spokesperson