NUMSA condemns the Department of Environmental Affairs for the exploitation of workers

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa has won an award from the CCMA confirming that the Department of Environmental Affairs must join in the arbitration between us and Working On Fire. NUMSA referred a wage dispute to the CCMA on the 9th of April because employees at Working On Fire are severely exploited and exposed to poor working conditions.

Workers at Working on Fire put their lives at risk for just R2200 per month. They are exposed to dangerous situations but they are not provided with medical aid; provident fund or any other benefits.  Furthermore they work extremely long hours and are not compensated with overtime pay. To make matters worse, the work they do is deemed ‘essential services’ which means they are unable to legally go on strike in order to force the employer to improve their working conditions. They must resolve the dispute with the employer at the CCMA through an arbitration process, and the decisions are legally binding. NUMSA condemns the department of environmental Affairs for the exploitation of workers!

Today the CCMA found in our favour and agreed that the Department of Environmental Affairs must join the dispute. This is the first phase of our battle. As NUMSA we welcome this decision for the department to be part of the application. It means that Working on Fire will no longer be able to hide behind the Department of Environmental Affairs to justify the poverty wages which our members are earning. The Department of Environmental Affairs will have to explain to the CCMA how it can defend such outrageously low wages and poor conditions in this day and age. The working class majority in our country continues to suffer from the burden of high unemployment, crippling poverty and extreme inequality. The government is complicit in attacking the working class. They are just as cruel and ruthless as greedy capitalist bosses who bleed our members dry every day through exploitation and daily abuse.

The arbitration hearing will be held on the 29th and 30th of May 2018. As NUMSA we look forward to an opportunity where we will defend the right of workers to earn a living wage. They deserve a life of dignity and we will fight for it.

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Aluta continua!

The struggle continues!

Issued by Phakamile Hlubi-Majola

NUMSA National Spokesperson (Acting)

