The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) is calling on all workers to support us as we defend the rights of temporary and contract workers at the Constitutional Court on Thursday. Last year we won a case at the Labour Appeals Court (LAC) which confirmed the rights of temporary workers. We went to the LAC to seek clarity on the rights of contract workers, after the three month period as referred to in the LRA s198A(3)(b) kicks in. The (LAC) handed down a decision to reinforce the rights of temporary workers who are contracted by Temporary Employment Services (TES) or labour brokers. The court confirmed that contract and temporary workers become permanent employees of the main employer after 3 months, eligible for the same benefits.
Assign Services (a labour brokering company), has applied to the Constitutional court in an attempt to overturn the decision. They want the constitutional court to allow them to continue to exploit workers.
NUMSA is committed to fighting this battle. We are fed up with members of the working class suffering under this oppressive system. That is why we have consistently called for labour brokering to be banned because it forces workers into precarious employment. It does not offer any benefits, the salaries are always low and the working conditions are always terrible. Contract and temporary workers deserve the same rights as permanent workers.
We will not allow companies like Assign Service to continue with this form of modern day slavery. We will do all we can to prevent them from reversing our gains. Therefore we call on all workers to come to the Constitutional Court on Thursday to support us as we demonstrate against this abusive practice.
Date: 22 February 2018
Time: 10:00
Venue: Constitution Court 11 Kotze Street, Braamfontein
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Aluta continua!
The struggle continues!
Issued by
Irvin Jim
For more information contact:
Phakamile Hlubi-Majola
NUMSA Spokesperson National