NUMSA condemns Eskom in Bloemfontein for exposing workers to unsafe working conditions

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) condemns the management of Eskom in Bloemfontein for exposing workers to unsafe working conditions. On Friday our members picketed outside Eskom’s Customer Network Centre (CNC) to hand over a memorandum of demands. One of the key demands is the immediate re-instatement of a female senior store worker to the Eskom Centre. The store worker is anemic and contracted aluminum poisoning whilst working at Eskom’s (CNC). Her doctors have advised that she should not be working at the CNC because the aluminum is making her sick. As a result she was temporarily placed at the Eskom Centre and her condition improved. But the management team have ignored this advice from her doctor. They have refused to pay her salary for January and are victimizing her through a disciplinary process. They insist she must return to the CNC or she will be dismissed.
We condemn this blatant disregard for a workers health and safety. We must remind Eskom that last year another one of their employees, Thembisile Yende was killed at the workplace. She too had been exposed to an unsafe working environment. When she complained to her seniors at the plant about her conditions, they ignored her. She was strangled to death and her body was found locked in her office at the Substation where she worked. Her colleague David Ngwenya, has been arrested and charged for her murder.
It seems Eskom is not interested in ensuring that workers are protected and their safety is guaranteed. The victimization of this worker must cease immediately! Furthermore we demand that she be re-instated to the Eskom Centre where she was working. Our memorandum of demands also details a list of grievances which our members have against the firm.
This includes:

  • The dismissal of the General Manager of the Operating Unit, the HR manager and the HR team for failing to ensure a safe, productive working environment for all workers. Instead they collude to victimize workers who have serious complaints and grievances. They have failed to deal with problems affecting workers.
  • We demand the reinstatement of all contact worker employees who were dismissed at the end of Nov 2017 without any reason.

If Eskom does not respond to our demands we will intensify our campaign against them. Workers are human beings and they should be treated with dignity and respect. We will not allow this rampant abuse to go on unanswered.
Aluta continua!
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The struggle continues!
Issued by Phakamile Hlubi-Majola
NUMSA National Spokesperson (Acting)
Download the Eskom Memorandum
