NUMSA to consult its members over the Engineering strike

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) Central Committee met from the 24th-28th of July in Johannesburg.
The CC was attended by the National Office Bearers (NOB’s), Regional Office Bearers (ROB’s) and officials from NUMSA’s nine regions.
There were several items on the agenda, including the looming strike in the Engineering sector. As a worker driven trade union, we resolved to take the full debate about the status of the current negotiations, including the possibility of a strike to regional shop steward councils and general meetings. Any way forward will be determined by our members.
The union will convene a national meeting to consider the outcomes of the general meetings which will determine the way forward about the future of negotiations in the Engineering sector. The union will convene a press conference that will deal with all matters that have been resolved by the Central Committee, in the near future.
Members are encouraged to contact their local NUMSA regional offices for more details of the meetings taking place in their area. Once we have consulted our members we will inform the press of the way forward.
Aluta continua!
The struggle continues!
Issued by Phakamile Hlubi
NUMSA (Acting) National Spokesperson
