NUMSA condemns racism at Formex Engineering

NUMSA condemns racist practices by Formex Engineering in Port Elizabeth
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa has learnt with disgust that one of its members has been suspended by Formex Engineering a company based in Port Elizabeth. Lubabalo Jack our member is being harassed and victimised by his exploiter for exercising his cultural rights and beliefs. Comrade Jack’s only sin was to wear “Intambo” at work.
This racist act by the employer in undermining the cultural rights of African people is an expression of white supremacy. 23 years into democracy and companies like Formex Engineering continue to practice Apartheid in the workplace by subjugating and terrorising African employees. There is absolutely no health and safety hazard posed by Intambo. It is just like any other piece of Western jewellery, but the white supremacists at Formex are punishing our member for expressing his cultural rights.
It is truly shameful that as we celebrate Workers Month and Africa Month, the African majority in this country is still subject to this kind of rabid racism by the management of Formex Engineering.
Furthermore, the white supremacists at Formex Engineering have been withholding workers wage increases for the year 2016/17, and they have defied Council resolutions and enforcements. The racist managers at this company are actively demonstrating their loathing and hostility for Africans through exploitation.
As NUMSA we will not be silent in the face of such gross injustice. We will mobilise our members in Formex and surrounding companies and nearby communities to fight and expose the white supremacists at Formex management for racism, which they have disguised as a health and safety matter. Formex management acts with impunity and has violated the Equity Act, and the Labour Relations Act. NUMSA will work hard with the relevant authorities to expose the management of Formex for their bigotry.
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Aluta Continua!
The struggle continues!
Issued by
Phakamile Hlubi
Acting NUMSA National Spokesperson
083 376 7725
Mziyanda Twani
NUMSA Eastern Cape Regional Secretary
071 8644668
