The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, (NUMSA) is outraged at the passing of 94 mentally ill patients who were transferred from Life Esidimeni to twenty-seven different NGO institutions.
What is more shocking is that only ONE of the 94 patients died from a mental health related issue, the rest died as a direct result of negligence by those who were tasked with taking care of them.
The circumstances which led to this incident demonstrate the carelessness of officials in the health services. The fact that the patients were sent to institutions which were not registered is proof that the lives of our people clearly don’t matter to the ANC government.
We have noted the resignation of the health MEC, Qedani Mahlangu, but this is simply not good enough. Mahlangu and those in her department must be investigated and if necessary criminally charged.
These deaths are a direct consequence of the ANC’s implementation of the neo-liberalist economic system. It allowed for the creation of a two tier system: One for the super wealthy in the form of the private health care system and the other is public. It’s a system which is in perpetual crisis.
It is because of this absurd system which has resulted in the majority of specialists being based in private health care, servicing a small minority of the super wealthy, whilst workers’ and their families are forced to use public health care facilities, which are drastically under resourced and under-funded.
Good health care in South Africa is a luxury that only a few can afford. As a result workers and their families put their lives at risk every time they use these state institutions.
Marikana was the massacre of mine workers by the state. These deaths are a more insidious form of brutality against the poor and the working class.
NUMSA extends its condolences to the families of those who have been affected by this most heinous act.
A Socialist South Africa can and shall never tolerate the abuse suffered by the poorest of the poor and thus a Workers Party must be born.
Issued by:
Irvin Jim
General Secretary NUMSA
+27 73 157 6384
For interviews contact:
Phakamile Hlubi
National Spokesperson