NUMSA Hold Its National Executive Committee (NEC) Meeting: Friday 06 NOVEMBER-Until-Sunday 8 NOVEMBER 2015

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is holding its ordinary scheduled National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, as from Friday 06 November 2015 –until- Sunday 8 November 2015, Vincent Mabuyakhulu Conference Centre (VMCC), 155 Gerard Sekoto (Cnr Lilian Ngoyi) Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, Gauteng province.
The NEC will be attended by the National Office Bearers (NOBs), elected Regional Office Bearers (ROBs’) from the nine (9) Numsa Regions. The NEC will receive the political, organisational, international and financial reports from the NOBs.
Some of the key issues to be discussed by the NEC:

  • Will receive a mandate on whether it should appeal it expulsion from Cosatu, in lieu of the fact that Cosatu will be holding its National Congress on the 23-26 November 2015;
  • Update report on bilateral meeting with Nactu; Fedusa and other independent unions, and preparations towards convening a National Workers Summit (NWS) in December 2015;
  • Update on the Shopsteward elections in Numsa organised sectors, as a build-up to Regional Congresses and National Congress in 2016;
  • Assessment of the Anti-Corruption march held on 14 October 2015;
  • Update on pending retrenchments in the steel and related sectors, where  800 000 estimated jobs could be lost;
  • The #FeesMustFall protests and victories scored by student movement, and consolidating student-worker alliance;

A post-NEC Media Briefing to be addressed by the NOBs, namely General Secretary IRVIN JIM; President ANDREW CHIRWA; 1st Deputy President CHRISTINE OLIVIER; 2nd Deputy President BASIL CELE; Deputy General Secretary KARL CLOETE and National Treasurer MPHUMZI MAQUNGO, will be held as follows:
DATE: Monday 09 November 2015
TIME: 12H00 [midday]
VENUE: Vincent Mabuyakhulu Conference Centre, 155 Gerard Sekoto (Cnr Lilian Ngoyi) Streets, Newtown
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
Castro Ngobese
National Spokesperson
M: 083 627 5197 | T: 011 689 1702
E: | w:
