Members of the media are hereby invited to a Media Briefing to be addressed by Numsa’s General Secretary IRVIN JIM and (former) COSATU’s General Secretary ZWELINZIMA VAVI, to be held tomorrow Tuesday 15 September 2015, at 12h00 midday, 155 Lillian Ngoyi (formerly Bree) Street, Newtown, Johannesburg, Gauteng province.
The Media Briefing will inform the media about the planned strike on 30 September 2015. On 08 July 2015, Numsa and other unions served the National Economic and Development Labour Council (NEDLAC in terms of Section 77 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) of their intentions to embark on a socio-economic strike by workers on 30 September 2015.
The two leaders’ will unpack the underlying reasons of calling for a strike by workers, irrespective of their trade of work. The planned strike is endorsed by South Africa’s two major federations, namely Federation of Democratic Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) and National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU), including COSATU’s affiliated unions; independent trade unions and civil society formations.
The details of the Briefing are as follows:
DATE: Tuesday 15 September 2015
TIME: 12H00 midday
VENUE: Numsa Head Office, NOBs Boardroom, 153 Lilian Ngoyi (formerly Bree) Street, Newtown, Johannesburg
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
Castro Ngobese
Numsa National Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 627 5197 / 081 011 1137