In memory of our officials who perished in a car accident

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) in the Western Cape dips its revolutionary banner in mourning the unexpected and tragic death of its two Western Cape senior officials comrade’s Jessica Veotte and Lesley September.
Last week Thursday, just before the crack of dawn, cdes Veotte and September died on the spot in a car accident around the area of Darlings, outside Atlantis, in Western Cape province. The details of what really happened remain sketchy, since the other occupant in the car is still in a critical condition at Groote Schuur Hospital.
We extend our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved Veotte and September families. And we extend our best wishes to the remaining survivor for a speedy recovery.
Death that continues to visit our union, thus robbing us of our revered and decorated leaders; Shopstewards; members and officials has reminded us of our own immortality. Each one of us, one day, we shall, all of us face our own demises. As the two mortals rest eternally in the land of the departed, we will continue the revolutionary task of serving workers. We salute these great servants of workers, who met their final death whilst on duty.
Whilst we mourn their death, but we find solace in that they died executing the Numsa Membership Service Charter, a pledge adopted at our ground-breaking Special National Congress (SNC), to improve quality service to our members in all fronts. Hence, as Numsa, we remain an adored and exemplary School of Excellence for the trade union movement here at home and globally.
The death of the two happens amidst the looming job bloodbath in the steel and other related sectors. These pending job losses have made us to forge a tactical “United Front” with the bosses; other trade unions and communities to defend jobs.
In their memory and honour, we shall unite with other workers, irrespective of their union’s colours and logo’s to defend workers jobs in the steel sector. This call on Numsa to swamp the streets en masse to exert pressure from below geared towards stopping employers from retrenching workers, since the majority of these workers are faced with the socio-economic burden of taking care of the vast army of the unemployed that is ravaged by squalor and poverty in our working class households and rural slums.
Comrade Veotte will be buried this coming Thursday 03 September 2015, in Atlantis. And comrade September will be laid to rest on Saturday 05 September 2015, in Atlantis.
Vuyo Lufele
Regional Secretary
Western Cape Region
Mobile: 072 485 0950
