Numsa to fights against retrenchments at SA Airways

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) will fight against the SA Airways retrenchments and defend existing jobs for our members.
A section 189A consultation in line with the Labour Relations Act (LRA) took place between SA Airways management and unions on Wednesday 06 May 2015, SAA Head Offices, Kempton Park, Gauteng province. The State-owned Airline intends to retrench approximately +/- 400 workers.
Numsa has rejected the flimsy reasons behind SAA management’s intentions to retrench workers. Already many jobs have been shed and subjecting workers to poverty, whilst the bosses continue to enjoy and receive excessive remuneration and large packages.
As a union we have a duty and responsibility to defend these 400 jobs, since these workers are faced with the socio-economic burden of taking care of the large section of the unemployed that is languishing in squalor and poverty in our working class communities and slums.
It is scandalous that a State-owned Airline, under the ANC/SACP government wants to retrench these workers in the midst of the grave crisis of poverty, unemployment and inequality in our country. This clearly is not a “good story to tell”, as has been punted by the politicians during elections when they were seeking workers votes.
We have demanded strongly that they provide us with the relevant information in order to engage meaningfully. One of the key demands is for SAA to open its books to scrutiny, in order to satisfy ourselves that indeed there is a need for retrenchments. We have given SAA until today’s close of business to disclose all the necessary information.
The union has warned SAA to disclose the information. Any failure we will approach the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to make a ruling to force them to disclose.
We appeal to our members to remain united and rally behind the union, as we fight against these retrenchments. The union will not betray workers in these current and tough times.
Viwe James
Infrastructure Coordinator
Mobile: 072 243 2992
