The National Office Bearers (NOBs’) of Cosatu’s major unions, namely Food and Allied Workers Union (Fawu); SA Catering Commercial and Allied Workers Union (Saccawu); Democratic Nursing Organisation (Denosa); SA Football Players Union (Safpu); Communication Workers Union (CWU): South African State and Allied Workers Union (Sasawu); Public and Allied Workers of South Africa (Pawusa) and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa), will hold a Media Briefing, Sunday 01 March 2015, Saccawu House, Leyds Street, Braamfontein (next to OLD Cosatu Hse).
The Media Briefing will be held on the eve of Cosatu’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) scheduled for Monday 02 March 2015-until-04 March 2015, Cosatu Hse, Braamfontein.
The Briefing will outline key campaigns and rolling mass actions to be embarked upon by these Affiliates, in the light of the ongoing paralysis in Cosatu.
The Media Briefing will be addressed by the National Office Bearers (NOBs’) of the above-mentioned unions.
The details are as follows:
DATE: Sunday 02 March 2015
TIME: 12H00
VENUE: Saccawu House, Leyds Street, Braamfontein (next to OLD Cosatu Hse)
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
Issued by the General Secretaries of Numsa; Fawu; Denosa; Sasawu; Pawusa; Saccawu; Cwu; Safpu
Castro Ngobese
National Spokesperson
Mobile: 083 627 5197
Tel (dir): 011 689 1702