Portfolio Committee on Labour (National Assembly)

DRAFT Committee Programme – 1st Term 2015 ( Jan 2015)
27 January – 27 March 2015 (9 Weeks)

12 – 26 January 2015    :    CONSTITUENCY PERIOD

27 January – 11 February 2015:    COMMITTEES/OVERSIGHT
WEEK 1:        26 – 29 January 2015    (Committees/Oversight)
WEEK 2:        3 – 6 February 2015    (Committees/Oversight)

DATE  AGENDA Objective Relation to Mandate VENUE
Tue, 3 Feb 2015 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Steel and Engineering Industry: Gauteng To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Gauteng
Johannesburg City Centre
Wed, 4 Feb 2015 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Farming Industry: Free State To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Free State
Thu, 5 Feb 2015 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage  in the Steel and Engineering Industry: Eastern Cape To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Eastern Cape
Port Elizabeth
Fri, 6 Feb 2015 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Textile Industry: KwaZulu-Natal To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers KwaZulu-Natal

WEEK 3:        10 – 13 February 2015    (Plenary Week)

DATE AGENDA Objective Relation to Mandate VENUE
Thu, 12 February 2015 State-of-the-Nation-Address Parliament

WEEK 4:        17 – 20 February 2015    (Plenary Week)    (Debate on President’s State-of-the-Nation Address: 17 & 18 February 2015)
(Reply by President to Debate on State-of-the-Nation Address: 19 February 2015)

WEEK 5:        24 – 27 February 2015    (Plenary Week) (Budget Speech: 25 February 2015)

DATE TIME AGENDA Objective Relation to Mandate VENUE
Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:00 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Domestic and Farming Industry: Northern Cape To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Northern Cape

WEEK 6:        3 – 6 March 2015    (Plenary Week)

DATE TIME AGENDA Objective Relation to Mandate VENUE
Fri, 6 March 2015 09:00 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Farming Industry: Mpumalanga To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Mpumalanga
Malelane Region

WEEK 7:        10 – 13 March 2015 2015    (Plenary Week)

DATE TIME AGENDA Objective Relation to Mandate VENUE
Fri, 13 Mar 2015 09:30 Public Hearings on the National Minimum Wage in the Farming Industry: Limpopo To afford the public an opportunity to air their views on the National Minimum Wage To address income inequalities thus protecting the vulnerable workers Limpopo
Mopane District

