Media briefing by Fawu – Denosa – Pawusa and Numsa responding to the illegitimate ‘expulsion’ of Numsa by Cosatu

The Food and Allied Workers Union (FAWU); Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (Denosa); Public and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (Pawusa) and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa), shall hold a Media Briefing tomorrow Thursday 13 November 2014, at 11h30am, Jabulile Ndlovu House, 129 Che Guevara Road (formerly Moore Rd), Durban, KwaZulu-Natal province.
The Media Briefing will be addressed by the Provincial Office Bearers (POBs’) of the four unions. The Media Briefing is being held to respond to the illegitimate ‘expulsion’ of Numsa from Cosatu; public statements by the ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe and SACP’s PolitBuro (PB) statement.
The details of the Media Briefing are as follows:
DATE: Thursday 13 November 2014
TIME: 11H30am
VENUE: Jabulile House, 129 Che Guevara Rd (formerly Moore Rd), Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
Mbuso Ngubane, Numsa KwaZulu-Natal Regional Secretary, 0795023242
