When the world celebrated Nelson Mandela’s birthday, Numsa vice president, Christine Olivier and Numsa’s National Gender and HIV/AIDS coordinator, Dudu Ngcobo, together with office bearers from Numsa’s Eastern Cape region and others targeted two vulnerable schools in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth and a school near Lusikisiki in Eastern Cape.
In Motherwell, Numsa handed over 400 chairs, while in Tyongwana SPS situated near Lusikisiski toiletries were handed over to the learners including sanitary towels/pads for girls.
A photo copy/ fax machine was given to the school.
These learners major challenge is poverty. But it is not their only one. These photos show the state of the Tyongwana SPS school near Lusikisiki.
The road to school is very bad and there are no means of transport other than donkeys or cows, the nearest clinic is about 45km away.
There is no electricity, there are dilapidated classrooms, they are still using pit-latrines , grades R, 1,2, & 3 in one class, no proper kitchen (Shack), no administration block.
Even the principal does not have an office, he squats with the learners in their classrooms.