Numsa “writers’ gym” gives new skills to writers September 6 -10, 2010.

The workshop specifically aimed to give the participants basic writing skills with the immediate result of stories that can be submitted to the September edition of Numsa News.

The workshop catered for new writers and writers with limited experience and training.

The workshop’s approach sought to be as practical as possible to enable the participants to practice their new skills during the programme.

It included basic reporting skills such as interviewing and research skills; writing skills preparation; and identification of actual reporting opportunities.

Participants were asked, at the start of the training, to highlight their specific concerns in writing.

A number indicated a lack of experience but most were interested in learning new skills.

The course participants were selected from various Numsa regions in order to increase news generation from the shop floor.

Most participants had a relatively good command of English with the exception of one participant who was then allowed to write and interact in Setswana.

The regional and sector diversity allowed for good interaction and discussions among participants.


Numsa News No 3, October 2010
