Press Conference on Bridgestone – SA (PTY) LTD illegal lock-out of workers!
29 March 2011
IRVIN JIM, the General Secretary of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) will be addressing members of the media tomorrow Wednesday 30 March 2011, Bimba Manqabashana House, 22 Pickering Street, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape.
The General Secretary will be joined by the Regional leadership and all the locked-out Bridgestone workers. This Press Conference to be addressed by the General Secretary will serve a platform to respond to the irresponsible and provocative lock-out by Bridgestone – SA (PTY) LTD.
The details are as follows:
DATE: Wednesday 30 March 2011
TIME: 10H30am
VENUE: Bimba Manqabashana Hse, 22 Pickering Street, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth
Members of the media are hereby invited to attend and report.
For confirmations contact:
Ntobeko Castro Ngobese
Cell: 073 299 1595 Castro Ntobeko Ngobese
Numsa Press Release