MEIBC committed to monitoring bad payers

MEIBC committed to monitoring bad payersAlistair Smith, CEO of the MEIBC, responds to a Numsa News article on page 11 of the March 2009 edition.

In any given month, through our pension/provident fund administrators, the MEIBC manages to collect at least 75% of the total value of contributions payable by companies by the stipulated payment date.

There are a few companies which do not manage to pay contributions on time, but we have systems in place to handle these instances and to follow up with late-payers.

It is stipulated in our agreements, which regulate our industry, that employees and firms must contribute to the pension/provident fund. If a firm has a more superior benefit fund in place, it may be exempt from the industry fund – and the company would be required to apply to the MEIBC to be exempted in terms of our exemptions policy.

In terms of processes and systems, funds returns are automatically issued to the industry for completion by employers.

The automated system allows us to monitor the timeous receipt of completed monthly returns documentation and payments due by the firms.

Where a registered employer is genuinely experiencing some financial problems, and therefore struggling to meet its obligations in terms of pension/provident fund payments, the MEIBC will seek ways to accommodate them, but in such a way so as not to prejudice the firm’s employees.

However, if an employer deducts funds contributions from its employees and fails to pay them over to our fund administrator, we adopt a less understanding approach.

The council has adopted a zero-tolerance attitude to this type of fraudulent, and unethical conduct, and would follow set measures, as set out in the Labour Relations Act and the Pension Funds Act, jointly with our fund administrators MIBFA to deal with such cases. In terms of the Pension Funds Act, this may result in criminal action against such employers.

If you want to check if your employer has paid your contributions to the provident fund at the MEIBC, then phone the MEIBC on one of these numbers:

National Office – Johannesburg Tel: 011 639 8000Gauteng Region – Johannesburg Tel: 011 639 8000Cape Region – Cape Town Tel: 021 421 6140KwaZulu-Natal Region – Durban Tel: 031 305 4761Border Region – East London Tel: 043 743 7747Midland Region – Port Elizabeth Tel: 041 586 1542Free State & Northern Cape Region – Welkom Tel: 057 352 4142Tshwane Office – Pretoria Tel: 012 320 2566Mpumalanga Office- Middelburg Tel: 013 282 8778Richards Bay Office – Richards Bay Tel: 035 789 2084George Office – George Tel: 044 873 3200Centre for Dispute Resolution – Johannesburg Tel: 011 834 4660 Email: Website:

Motor funds continue to pay out surplusAs at the end of March more than R160 million has been paid out to past members of the following funds.

Fund Members Value Auto Workers Provident Fund 14 908 R 66 008 367 Motor Industries Pension Fund 27 583 R 90 794 884 Motor Industries Provident Fund 447 R 4 901 213 Grand Total Members 42 938 Grand Total paid out R 161 704 464

If you want to find out progress on your application for surplus, phone BRS on 086 727 7007/8. If you can't get hold of anyone phone a Mibco office (see details below)

Dear Numsa NewsConcerning the Motor Industry Fund Administrators (and the motor surplus). Don't they have an e-mail address so that we can communicate with them more easily.

I did phone and I had to use R20 waiting and even then I did not get to the relevant person. With e-mail I can communicate with them without losing so much money.

Thanks for your help.Ernest Tshepe, Kromberg & Schubert, Brits Dear comrade TshepeWe sent your e-mail to Vusi Mjila at BRS ( He says you have no surplus due to you.

Watch out – make sure your employer is paying your contributionsDoris Nqetho

In September 2008, Numsa motor members Gugu Mwandla took her child to the doctor while Fakazile Mcama went to the optometrist.

They were both shocked to hear that their medical aid had expired in March 2008 so the doctors told them they must pay cash.Both worked at a service station in Gamalakhe township outside Port Shepstone. But bigger shocks were to come.

The Numsa local office checked with Mibco, only to find out that their employer had last deposited contributions for medical aid and provident fund in March 2008 even though deductions from their pay were still being made.

Things started to come unstuck when the owner of the garage, Jackson Mkhize, passed away in March 2006. But their problems really began from March 2008 when Total nationally took over their wage payments but omitted to transfer their contributions.

In November 2008, workers came to work to find no petrol. They were told to stay at home until Total could find someone to be responsible for the outlet.

By December workers were so desperate that they asked Philani the branch manager to give them retrenchment letters to show those providers that they owed. But nothing was forthcoming.

As Numsa News went to print, Numsa local organiser Gordon Sithole was to represent them at the DRC on April 16 where the company will be asked to clarify the matter.

And hopefully Mwandla and Mcama will find someone else liable for payment of their doctors' bills of R856 and R1100 respectively.

Make sure your shop steward checks these things on a monthly basis:* ask the employer to show the deposits for medical aid, UIF, provident fund, Numsa subscriptions* phone the Department of Labour to check if your company is paying UIF* phone Mibco to check if your company is paying provident fund and medical aid* phone Numsa to check if your company is paying Numsa your subscriptions

Phone Mibco on:Shared Services Center 011 – 369 7500Eastern Cape Region 041 – 364 0250 KwaZulu Natal Region 031 – 205 5525 Free State / Northern Cape Region 051 – 409 4000 Highveld Region 011 – 369 7750Northern Region 012 – 342 0888Western Province Region 021 – 948 6400


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