Numsa enraged by rumoured leadership battles

Numsa national executive committee yesterday dismissed media reports on political wrangles over leadership positions.

It is indeed one of the “most vicious and divisive media campaigns which sought to sow seeds of discontent” within the organization. And his followed after Eastern Cape regional secretary Irvim Jim was touted to be contesting the position of the general secretary occupied by Silumko Nondwangu. These media fabrications are advocated at the time when the organization is preoccupied with ensuring that at policy level, the upcoming national congress becomes a success on policy issues.

The NEC which met over the weekend for two days at Numsa’s Moses Mayekiso Conference Centre downtown also pronounced on the major policy resolutions in preparation for the upcoming Numsa 8th national congress in October 2008.

“We are not in a state of paralysis because of the destructive bourgeoisie media rumours, circulating around about the leadership position tussles more than being concerned with policy issues, which are intended to build the organization,” Numsa general secretary Silumko Nondwangu said yesterday(Sunday).

Numsa has internal democratic practices which determine policy formulation first that is much more substantive and to be followed by election of leaders in the local, regional and national levels. The union is not going to rely on media before it took its decisions on these matters.

In defending the integrity of the organization, the union condemns in strongest terms anonymous characters “outside and inside” the organization who helped the media to set the agenda of Numsa on behalf of the metalworkers.

The organizational strategy is mainly concerned first with the “substance rather the form” as real revolutionaries, which is then followed by choosing those capable of taking the organization forward.

For more information contact:-

Mziwakhe Hlangani, Numsa national spokesperson

Cell phone: 082 9407116

E-mail address:
