Membership: A new kid on the block!

A new kid on the block!Numsa’s membership breakdown is changing. For years Wits Central West and Ekurhuleni regions have been in the forefront. But no longer! Latest Numsa statistics show a new leader of the pack – Hlanganani region. With 31 861 members, it is now the biggest Numsa region across the country followed closely by Wits Central West. Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal have also edged Ekurhuleni into fifth place. See details below

But there are just 3 000 members between first place and fifth place! It’s anyone’s game to see who will be the new leader in a few months time! Watch this space….

Numsa membership as at the end of April 2007


Number of members


31 861

Wits Central West

31 426

Eastern Cape

30 947

KwaZulu Natal

29 318


28 719

Western Cape

22 473


12 030


10 326

Northern Cape

4 867

201 966

Motor recruitment – a new threat?If you work in the motor industry, the best thing that you can do to secure yourself a wage increase this year is for each and everyone of you to recruit one worker into Numsa. If you don’t, you may not receive a wage increase this year!

Ukufuna abantu ezimotweni – siqhuba kanjani?Kuseyibanga ngaphambi kokuba sifinyelele kulokhu esikuhlosile ukuthi senze imboni yezimoto ukuthi ihleleke ngaphezu kuka-50%. Kodwa uma ngabe umsebenzi wasezimotweni oyedwa efuna umuntu ongeyilo ilungu oyedwa ukuthi azojoyina iNumsa singafinyelela kalula kulokhu esikuhlosile. Sayina umuntu wakho ongesilo ilungu namhlanje!

This is because in the latest round of negotiations, motor employers are saying that if the Minister of Labour does not gazette the new motor agreement that trade unions and employers are negotiating now, then there will be no increase for any motor worker! In Numsa Bulletin No 18 earlier this year we reported that if trade unions in the motor sector wanted to be sure that the Minister would gazette the agreement and extend it to all motor workers, then unions would have to go all out and recruit more than 30 000 non-members.

One part of recruitment is to sign new members up. But it does not end there. There are lots of administrative steps that must be taken to ensure that the employer deducts the union dues, pays them to the Motor Industries Bargaining Council (Mibco), that Mibco registers that the worker is a Numsa member and that Mibco pays across the union subscriptions to Numsa. At a regional motor administrators course in May, administrators told of how sometimes new members sign up, they are given union members, the employer deducts from their wages but does not send the money to Mibco.

Nuwe lede in die motorbedryf – hoe vaar ons?Ons moet nog ver gaan voordat ons ons teiken bereik om meer as 50% van die werkers in die motorbedryf by vakbonde te laat aansluit. Maar as een motorwerker een nie-lid by NUmsa laat aansluit, sal ons maklik ons teiken haal. Oorreed jou nie-lede vandag om aan te sluit!

“Workers must phone their Numsa office and get us to check whether their moneys are going to Mibco,” says Hlanganani acting regional administrator, Annie Manganye.

Ho thaotha ditho tshebetsong tsa Makoloi – na re ntse re sebetsa jwang?Tsela e sa le telele eo re lokelang ho e tsamaya pele re ka fihlela sebeo sa rona sa ho etsa indasteri ya makoloi e be le basebetsi ba ka hodimo ho 50% bao e leng ditho tsa mokgatlo wa basebetsi. Empa ha mosebetsi e mong le e mong a ka thaotha motho ya mong eo e seng setho hore a kene ho Numsa re ka fihlela sebeo seo sa rona ha bonolo. Ngodisang basebetsi bao le sebetsang le bona ba eso ka ba ba ditho hore ba be ditho kajeno!

Others spoke of some employers who are reluctant to deduct union dues from workers. And then there are the employers who are deducting and sending to Mibco but Mibco is not sending the money on to Numsa! After the 5-day workshop, all regional motor administrators now know how to use the Mibco membership system. The systems are now in place, now it’s up to all of you motor workers to recruit. If each motor worker recruits one new member, we will reach our target!
