3 year agreement (July 1 2007 – June 30 2010) for all strategic, technical and complex demands which cannot be finalised within a year.
Izimfuno zokuphatha ezibalulekile
qeda amaZinga G no-H; kukhuliswa ngo-R10 ngehora emazingeni aphansi kanye no-R5 ngehora emazingeni aphezulu
isivumelwano seminyaka emi-3
abaqashi kufanele baxhase usizo lwezokwelapha, izindleko zokunakekelwa kwezingane
abaqashi kufanele bawazi amakhono abasebenzi abawafunde emsebenzini bese beqeqesha abasebenzi babo
ukuqedela izimfuno ezithize ngonyaka (bona ngezansi)
compulsory Medical Aid, 75% paid by employers
Employers should subsidise employees’ childcare costs, adopt a crí¨che where employees reside, fund childcare day activities.
training and development – Bargaining Council to set and monitor targets for training as per critical/scarce skills list eg. 10 000 in the next five years.- Training including ABET should be offered during working hours – Career paths for engineering sector workers- Transfer of skills must be the pre-requisite in all joint ventures, mergers, multinational companies and where scarce skills are imported- Remove the theory component of the Trade Test- learners must be employed after training- employers to accelerate training for members – conduct recognition of prior learning on a massive scale with incentives or certificates provided and with a guarantee of progression.
Belangrike eise in die ingenieursbedryf
raak ontslae van Grade G en H; R10 per uur verhoging vir die laagste graad en R5 per uur vir die hoí«r graad
3-jaar ooreenkoms
werkgewers moet mediese fonds asook die koste van kindersorg subsidieer
werkgewers moet vaardighede wat werkers in hulle werk aangeleer het, erken, en hulle werkers oplei
sekere eise binne “˜n jaar afhandel (kyk hieronder)parties to research new compulsory industry grading structure
ban labour brokers in the industry. In the short term amend section 20 of the main agreement.
Formulate these principles at industry level on:- Esops- Skill development plans- Employment equity plans- profit sharing schemes
demand establishment of Work Security Fund that employers contribute to.
extend agreement to all union members including staff and non-scheduled employees.
Wages- Grade H and G should be collapsed to F. – R10p/h increase for the lowest grade and R5.00 p/h for the higher grade. Wage increase should be negotiated every year and be de-linked from CPIX
Ditseko tsa bohlokwa tsa engineering
ha ho fediswe Dikereiti tsa G le H; Nyollo ya R10 ka hora bakeng sa bao ba leng kereiting e tlase mme R5 ka hora bakeng sa bao ba leng kereiting e hodimo
tumellano ya dilemo tse 3
bahiri ba thuse ka ditjhelete di-medical aid, ditjeo tsa tlhokomelo ya bana
bahiri ba lokela ho tseba botsebi boo basebetsi ba ithutileng bona mosebetsing mme ba rupelle basebetsi ba bona
etsang qeto ka ditseko tse itseng ka selemo (sheba mona ka tlase)
Demands that need to be finalised by June 30 20081. Agreement to be effective from July 1 20072. Severance pay of 4 weeks pay for each completed year of service3. Lay off to be paid by the employer at 100%; short-time paid at 4hrs per day4. Retirement gratuity of R25 000
5. Increase pension/provident fund contribution to 9%6. 4 weeks notice pay7. LDC workers to qualify for severance pay8. Family responsibility to include in-laws and exclude child care responsibility leave. Workers should qualify for 5 days per occurrence for both family responsibility and compassionate leave respectively.
9. Shift Work- Night Shift to be paid at 20% – Afternoon shift to be paid at 15% – Morning shift to be paid at 7,5%- All shift workers to be paid transport allowance of 100%- Fatigue Shift – Affected workers should not be forced to work after this shift
10. Twenty working days annual leave after completing one year service.11. Leave enhancement pay – workers should qualify for 100 % (not linked to shifts) after completing one year service.12. Office bearers and shopstewards should be granted 30 days per annum to attend to union business.13. Increase subsistence allowance every year with the agreed industry increase.
14. HIV/Aids- Companies must supply anti-retrovirals to all employees who are infected, free of charge – establish after care facilities for the families of affected employees.
15. Multinational corporations must consult with unions about key decisions taken by mother plants. 16. CEOs of Multinational Corporations must negotiate with trade unions the framework on BBBEE (Equity Equivalence).
Bargaining dates for engineering Main Agreement for 2007
10 May
16-17 May
25 May
30 May
5-6 June
12 June