NUMSA goes ahead with Special National Congress

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is  going ahead with its Special National Congress (SNC), to be held tomorrow Tuesday 17 December 2013-ending-Friday 20 December 2013, Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre, Boksburg, Gauteng province.
As is our custom the Special National Congress will receive a Presidential Address from (acting) NUMSA President comrade Andrew Chirwa. Furthermore, the SNC will also receive a detailed and composite Secretariat Report from NUMSA General Secretary comrade Irvin Jim.
The Special National Congress was called by the NUMSA’s Central Committee in order to discuss a number of issues and challenges confronting the trade union movement in South Africa, and the paralysis that have emerged within COSATU, and to determine workers position on the 2014 national elections, among other urgent matters.
The Special National Congress will be attended by more than  1 200 delegates drawn from all structures of the union. In addition, the Special National Congress will also be attended by leaders of other COSATU’s affiliated unions, COSATU itself, the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA), fraternal trade unions from Africa, Latin America and Europe, and a sizeable number of media houses that will be reporting directly on Special National Congress proceedings.
Congress rules which will be presented during Plenary Session prohibit the distribution of any material or pamphlets that are divisive, factional, or not sanctioned by the Special National Congress (SNC) Steering Committee.
Unless accredited, no organisation or trader will be allowed anywhere near the vicinity of the Congress. Further, in order to protect delegates from undue interference and pressures, no circulars, leaflets, pamphlets or any publication are allowed to be distributed at the Congrss venue, without prior written authorisation from the Natipnal Office Bearers.
All delegates, including local and international guests will receive their accreditation today Monday Tuesday 16 December 2013, at designated registration points. Only invited and confirmed guests will be accredited.
To avoid interference from outsiders or disruptors, only accredited delegates will be allowed around the Congress precinct.
We are requesting members of the media to arrive early. Congrsss starts at 09:00 hours tomorrow the 17th of December 2013.
Castro Ngobese
National Spokesperson
Mobile: 0810111137<tel:0810111137>
Tel (dir): 0116891702<tel:0116891702>
Twitter: @castrongobese
