NUMSA General Secretary to address Cape Town Press Club

Irvin Jim is General Secretary of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA).
This is now the biggest union formation in Cosatu. It controversially withdrew its political and financial support for the ANC in the upcoming national election, but currently remains part of Cosatu.
Jim will be speaking ahead of President Jacob Zuma’s state of the nation address. He will present his  arguments in an Alternative State of the Nation from a union perspective.
The union is strongly socialist and believes that the commanding heights of the economy, including mining and banking should be nationalised. Jim will take questions.
DATE: Tuesday, 11 February 2014
TIME: 12:30pm for 1pm
VENUE: The Pavilion, Kelvin Grove Club, Newlands
COST: R150 Members  R200 Guests
R.S.V.P.: Gloria at 021 683 3990 or
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