1. Three (3) week-long auto industry strike;
The Numsa Special National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting held on 4th September 2013 resolved to recommend to striking Numsa members in the national auto industry strike to accept a strike settlement offer on the following terms;
• A wage increase and cash adjustments amounting to;
– 11.5% for 2013
– 10% for 2014
– 10% for 2015
By way of an example, increases would look as follows:
Year | ATB | Once-Off | R3.22 | Total Increase |
Year | 10% | R2 225 (once-off lump sum) | 11.5% | |
Year | 8.5% | R2 225 (once-off lump sum) | R1.07 on 30 June 2014 | 10.0% |
Year | 8.5% | R2 225 (once-off lump sum) | R1.07 on 30 June 2015 | 10.0% |
R1.07 on 30 June 2016 |
• Short-time:
When short-time is implemented an employee will be paid 30% of his/her basic daily wage.
• Shift allowance:
Existing shift premiums/allowances paid in respect of night shift work which commences before and ends after midnight, shall increase by an amount equivalent to 1% of the basic hourly rate applicable to employees working such shift. This would effectively take the shift allowance to 20% of the base hourly rate of pay for employees.
• Transport allowance:
A R1200 transport allowance shall be paid to all employees per annum
• Medical aid and housing allowance:
NUMSA and AMEO have agreed to establish a joint task team to investigate an industry medical aid and housing scheme.
Numsa membership at 5 out of the 7 auto manufacturing plants endorsed the Numsa NEC strike settlement recommendation. The Numsa National Office Bearers are working with our members at Toyota in Durban and BMW in Pretoria to attend to the specific issues which make our membership unhappy to accept the offer. A return to work commences on Monday 9th September 2013.
2. National Motor Industry Strike:
As per the resolution of the Numsa NEC, the National Office Bearers with our bargaining team in the motor industry attempted to exchange settlement proposals with the motor employers on 5 September 2013.
Regrettably the employers took a very irresponsible stance by pulling back from the engagement which was intended to avert a national strike. Employers were unhappy with Numsa’s decision to issue a 48 hour notice.
Under these circumstances Numsa resolved to proceed with strike action commencing on Monday 9th September 2013 to push for improvements in respect of the following core demands, amongst others;
• Double digit increases
• Amending the industry peace clause
• Shift Allowance
• Short-time
• Banning Labour Brokers
The strike commences with marches on Monday 9th September 2013 in Cape Town and Randburg respectively. Marches elsewhere in the country shall be staggered throughout the week.
The Gauteng march shall be led by the Numsa GS, Numsa 1st Deputy President and DGS whilst the Cape Town march shall be led by the Numsa National Treasurer.
The March in the Western Cape shall proceed as follows;
• Gathering at 11h00 on Monday 9th September 2013 at the Numsa Regional Office at Bellville in Voortrekker Road (opposite the magistrate’s court) and
• Proceed at 12h00 to the RMI Offices in Picton Street, Parow.
The Numsa march in Randburg, Gauteng shall proceed as follows;
• Gathering at 09h00 at Ferndale Park
• The march starts at 10h00 to the offices of RMI in Surrey Avenue
• At 13h00 the march proceeds to FRA offices at 276 Oak Street
• The march disperses at 14h00
3. Latest developments in Cosatu and the Alliance:
On Tuesday 10th September 2013 Numsa’s application, calling for the Cosatu Special CEC decisions of 14th August 2013 to be set aside, shall be heard in the South Gauteng High Court. The matter is sub judice and we shall therefore await the ruling of the High Court.
We take courage from many more Cosatu affiliates that are joining Numsa’s call and our request that the Cosatu President convene a Special National Congress to deal with the crises in Cosatu.
We have noted the unprovoked attack of the Mpumalanga SACP Provincial Working Committee (PWC) on Numsa and its General Secretary. We expect these sustained attacks to continue from other SACP provinces. A formal reply has been finalised and is now the subject of ratification by the Numsa National Office Bearers in the coming week.
The ANC Secretary General has now shown his true factional colours when he defined the Numsa General Secretary as a lone voice within Cosatu and ostensibly within NUMSA.
We have repeatedly stated that once the Numsa constitutional structures have resolved on any matter, the Numsa General Secretary becomes the champion or spokesperson of such decisions.
Instead of engaging with the neo-liberal National Development Plan which would be disastrous for the working class and the poor if it becomes the foundation of the ANC’s Election Manifesto, Comrade Gwede Mantashe chooses to campaign for the isolation of the Numsa General Secretary.
We reject with the contempt it deserves the endeavor to isolate Numsa and its leadership.
In conclusion:
We salute the membership of SATAWU, NUM, CWU and other unions in their gallant fight and struggle to achieve a living wage in the context of the triple crises of unemployment, poverty and inequality.
Castro Ngobese
National Spokesperson
Mobile: 0810111137