Campaign for agrarian transformation and land redistribution

The CC discussed the fact that this year marks 100 years after the passing of the Native Land Act in June 1913.

But more worrying for the CC was that despite all the attempts after 1994 to have the 30% of land redistributed, little progress has been achieved. The target of 30% keeps on shifting.

First this target was meant to be achieved in 1999, then it moved to 2014 and now we have been told in the State of the Nation Address (SoNA) that it is highly unlikely that the target of 30% will be met by next year.

Although President Zuma committed in SoNA to move away from the “willing buyer-willing seller” principle that has characterised the land reform programme post 1994, the CC is not convinced that the land redistribution programme will move rapidly without the amendment of Section 25 of the constitution.

Given the proposals in the NDP of land being distributed through partnership with white commercial farmers and given the NDP’s insistence that land reform “must not upset land markets or business interests in the agricultural sector”, the CC adopted the following programme:

• Symbolic lunchtime factory meetings/ demonstrations to press for rapid land redistribution on 19 June 2013; which is the day that the Native Land Act was passed in 1913

• Ongoing education of our members on the land questions

• Work and contribute to the development of Cosatu’s position on the establishment of state-owned food company

• Collaborative work with FAWU to strengthen the organisation of farmworkers

• Ongoing work on the question of food security.

In the light of this, the CC mandate Numsa NOBs to meet with Fawu leadership to look at how the metalworkers can provide financial and material resources to build and strengthen the organisation of farmworkers
