Numsa condemns the detention of e-tv journalists by the illegitimate Swaziland regime

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), the class and internationalist orientated union, condemns the impromptu arrest and subsequent detention of two seasoned and revered South African journalists from free-to-air channel ETV by the repressive, illegitimate and dictatorial King Mswati regime.

The two South African journalists we were arrested at the Oshoek Border, en route to Swaziland, to cover tomorrow’s, April 12 demonstrations or actions as organised by Swaziland’s democratic forces which coincides with the April 12, 1973 decree by King Sobhuza which banned political activism and declared Swaziland as a fiefdom.

We call for the immediate release of the two journalists by the unelected and undemocratic King Swati regime.

The arrest of the two journalists is another desperate ploy or attempt by King Mswati’s regime to hide and liquidate popular revolts against his regime as led by democratic forces of Swaziland in the eyes of the world and international community.

We call on all democrats and activists inside South Africa to pledge their unconditional solidarity with the oppressed people of Swaziland.

Our own freedom and democracy was achieved through international mobilisation and support from the people of the world, and it is our duty as a liberated and free country to offer similar solidarity to our brothers and sisters at the hands of the Royal autocracy.

We further call on the South African government to isolate King Mswati’s regime until democratic reforms are being introduced in Swaziland.

This call is informed by our bonds of friendship and solidarity with the oppressed people of Swaziland as led by PUDEMO.

This historic bond was nurtured from the blood of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) and PUDEMO combatants who perished in the trenches for a free liberated South Africa and Swaziland.

We also call on the African National Congress (ANC) as a leader of the National Liberation Movement and the vanguard party of the working class, the South African Communist Party (SACP) to exert the necessary political pressure to Swaziland’s regime to unban all political parties, immediate release of political prisoners, return of all political activists in exile, drafting a new constitution via a democratic and people’s centred process and call for democratic elections in Swaziland.


Castro Ngobese

National Spokesperson
Cell: +2783 627 5197
Tel (dir): +2711 689 1702
Twitter: @castrongobese


Numsa Press Release
