Motor – Workers win backpay

New Vanderbijlpark local organiser, Billy Msimanga, won backpay for 15 petrol attendants because their employer had not been paying extra for Sunday work. The highest payout received by one worker was more than R1 600. The employer’s consultant claimed that an employee had to work for 45 hours before they qualify for overtime.However according to Clause 21 of the Motor Agreement that deals with Sunday work:
any general worker, forecourt attendant or employee in a vulcanising establishment must be paid not less than one and one third of his ordinary hourly wage for a normal shift
if he works overtime on a Sunday during a normal shift, he must be paid double his ordinary hourly wage for each hour or part of an hour thereafter. “We are happy that this deliberate mistake was rectified by our union,” said shop steward Walter Maphahlele.Meanwhile Msimanga also suspects that most service stations are not complying with clause 19 4 (a) (ii) of the motor main agreement. This says that workers working overtime between 23h00 and 6h00 must be paid double time. Mirriam Makhalamele

ISonto nemithetho yokusebenza isikhathi eseqile engxenyeni yezimotoQiniseka ukuthi ukhokhelwa ngendlela efanele ngeSonto nangesikhathi eseqile osisebenzile. Isigatshana 21 seSivumelwano Sasezimotweni:* noma yimuphi umsebenzi ojwayelekile, umsebenzi osebenza endaweni yomphakathi noma umsebenzi osebenza efemini yokuqinisa impahla ngokuyihlanganisa namakhemikhali kufanele angakhokhelwa ngaphansi kokukodwa noma kokukodwa kokuthathu kweholo lakhe elejwayelekile langehora ngeshifu ejwayelekile * uma esebenza isikhathi eseqile ngeSonto ngeshifu ejwayelekile, kufanele ahole ngokuphindwe kabili eholweni lakhe elejwayelekile langehora ngehora ngalinye noma ngengxenye yehora lapho. Isigatshana 19 4 (a) (ii) sesivumelwano sasezimotweni esikhulu. Sithi abasebenzi abasebenza isikhathi eseqile phakathi kwe-23h00 kanye ne-6h00 kufanele bakhokhelwe isikhathi esiphindiwe.

Betaling vir Sondae en oortyd: reí«ls vir die motorbedryfMaak seker dat jy korrek betaal word vir werk op Sondae en oortydwerk.Klousule 21 van die Ooreenkoms in die Motorbedryf:* enige algemene werker, vulstasiewerker of werknemer by “˜n buiteband-hersteldiens moet nie minder as een-en-“˜n-derde van sy gewone uurlikse loon betaal word vir “˜n normale skof nie * as hy tydens “˜n normale skof op “˜n Sondag oortyd werk, dan moet hy dubbel sy gewone uurlikse loon vir elke uur of deel van “˜n uur daarna betaal word. Klousule 19 4 (a) (ii) van die hoofooreenkoms vir motorwerkers: dit síª dat werkers wat tussen 23h00 en 6h00 oortyd werk, dubbeltyd betaal moet word.

Melawana e mabapi le ho sebetsa ka Sontaha le nako e ekeditsweng bakeng sa basebetsing ba makoloing (motor sector)Etsa bonnete ba hore o leshwa ka nepo bakeng sa ho sebetsa ka di-Sontaha le dinako tse ekeditsweng.Polelwana ya 21 ya Tumellano ya Motor:* mosebetsi ofe kapa ofe ya akaretsang, forecourt attendant kapa mosebetsi ya leng ho vulcanising establishment o lokelwa ho leshwa tjhelete e seng ka tlase ho nngwe le karolo ya nngwe ho tharo (one and one third) ya moputso wa hae o tlwaelehileng wa hora le hora bakeng sa tjhifi e tlwaelehileng* ha a sebetsa nako e eketsehileng ka Sontaha ka tjhifi e tlwaelehileng, o lokelwa ho leshwa moputso o menahaneng habedi wa moputso wa hae wa hora le hora o tlwaelehileng bakeng sa hora ka nngwe kapa karolo ya hora eo. Polelwana ya 19 4 (a) (ii) tumellano e ka sehloohong ya motor. Yona e re basebetsi ba sebetsang nako e ekeditsweng pakeng tsa 23h00 le 6h00 ba lokelwa ho leshwa bakeng sa nako e menahaneng habedi.

Moto Health Care – new motor medical aid

For any queries with claims etc phone Moto Health Care 0861 000 300

Motor workers that want someone to come and give them advice about the new motor medical aid

– Moto Health Care – should contact the following people:


Name and contact

Johannesburg, Mogale City, Roodepoort, Randforntein, Honeydew, Muldersdrift

Gerald Mathebula 082 784 9088 e-mail regional manager for Gauteng, NW, MP, Limpopo, Free State, N Cape

North West, Johannesburg North and Central

Sam Mahommed 083 766 8605

Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality

Peggy Roesch 082 495 4787

Free State North, Western Transvaal and Ekurhuleni

Neo Masia 078 340 7785

Free State central and south and N Cape

Judy van Zyl 076 751 9075

KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape, PE

Antonio Venturrini 083 381 1348


Sentle 082 951 0865

Western Cape

Graham Presence 083 566 2602

East London

Zuko 082 531 6911

Keep labour brokers on their toesNumsa’s Gauteng motor regional organiser, Elias Kubeka reports that some labour brokers are giving the Bargaining Council a hard time and are not paying union or provident fund deductions from workers across to the Council.If you want to check that your employer is paying your deductions to the Bargaining Council, phone the regional office of the Motor Bargaining Council and ask to speak to an agent. Ask them to check:
If your company is registered with the bargaining council?
Is your company paying your deductions to the bargaining council?If they cannot find your details on their system, ask them to send an inspector to inspect and give them the physical address of your workplace.Be ready with:
your ID number
the name of the labour broker that employs you
the name of the workplace where you are working

What should they be deducting from your wages:

Council levy



1% of your wages (eg if you earn R260 per week, your deductions for Numsa should be R2,60 per week)


0,5% of your wages (eg if you earn R260 per week, your deductions for UIF should be R1,30 per week)

Phone these Mibco regional offices for any queries




Shared Services Center

011 – 3697500

Eastern Cape Region

041 – 3640250

KwaZulu Natal Region

031 – 2055525

Free State / Northern Cape Region

051 – 4094000

Highveld Region (Gauteng, MP)

011 369 7750

Northern Region

012 – 3420888

Western Province Region

021 – 9486400
